4.3 Delegates Versus Interfaces
A problem that can be solved with
a delegate can also be solved with
an interface. For instance, the following explains how to solve our
filter problem using an IFilter interface:
using System;
interface IFilter {
bool Filter(string s);
class Test {
class FirstHalfOfAlphabetFilter : IFilter {
public bool Filter(string s) {
return ("N".CompareTo(s) > 0);
static void Main( ) {
FirstHalfOfAlphabetFilter f = new FirstHalfOfAlphabetFilter( );
Display(new string [ ] {"Ant", "Lion", "Yak"}, f);
static void Display(string[ ] names, IFilter f) {
int count = 0;
foreach (string s in names)
if (f.Filter(s))
Console.WriteLine("Item {0} is {1}", count++, s);
In this case, the problem is slightly more elegantly handled with a
delegate, but generally delegates are best used for event handling.