7.2 Standard Collection Interfaces
While IEnumerable and
standard ways to access the contents of a collection, they
don't provide any way to modify it, nor any way to
easily perform other common tasks, such as determine the size, search
the collection, etc. The .NET Framework also defines a set of three
standardized interfaces (ICollection,
IList, and IDictionary), which
collections should implement to provide support for these types of
7.2.1 ICollection Interface
The ICollection interface is the
standard interface for
countable collections of objects. It provides the ability to
determine the size of a collection, to determine if it can be
modified or synchronized, and to copy the collection into an array
for sequential processing. Since ICollection
extends IEnumerable, types that implement
ICollection can also be traversed via
IEnumerable and IEnumerator.
The interface looks like this:
public interface ICollection : IEnumerable {
void CopyTo(Array array, int index);
int Count {get;}
bool IsReadOnly {get;}
bool IsSynchronized {get;}
object SyncRoot {get;}
7.2.2 IList Interface
The IList interface is the standard
interface for array-indexable
collections. In addition to the functionality inherent in
ICollection and IEnumerable, it
also provides the ability to index directly into the collection by
position (using the overloaded indexer), to add, remove, and change
elements in the collection by position, and to search for elements in
the collection. The interface looks like this:
public interface IList : ICollection, IEnumerable {
object this[int index] {get; set}
int Add(object o);
void Clear( );
bool Contains(object value);
int IndexOf(object value);
void Insert(int index, object value);
void Remove(object value);
void RemoveAt(int index);
7.2.3 IDictionary Interface
The IDictionary interface is
the standard interface for
key/value-based collections such as hashtables, maps, and property
bags. Similar to the IList interface, it provides
the functionality inherent in ICollection and
IEnumerable, as well as the ability to access
elements in the collection based on key, remove them, search the
collection for an element, and access lists of the keys and values
already in the collection. The interface looks like this:
public interface IDictionary : ICollection, IEnumerable {
object this[object key] {get; set};
ICollection Keys {get;}
ICollection Values {get;}
void Clear( );
bool Contains(object value);
IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator( );
void Remove(object key);