7.4 Ordering Instances
The implementations of the collection classes'
sorting and searching capabilities depend on certain facilities in
the contained objects themselves. The most common of these are the
ability to order the contained objects (used for sorting and
efficient searching) and the ability to hash an object (to speed
storage and retrieval in dictionary-based structures such as
Hashtable). As with most other parts of the
FCL's collections framework, this is accomplished
via standardized interfaces and overridden virtual methods on
7.4.1 The IComparable Interface
The IComparable interface
allows one object to indicate its
ordering relative to another instance of the same type. To allow
sorting and searching of your types in an array, implement the
IComparable interface, which looks like this:
public interface IComparable {
int CompareTo(object rhs);
Implementation of this interface should follow the following semantic
If a comes before b
a.CompareTo(b) < 0 If a is equal b
a.CompareTo(b) = = 0 If a comes after b
a.CompareTo(b) > 0 null comes first: a.CompareTo(null) >
0 a.CompareTo(b)
a.GetType( ) = = b.GetType( )
An example implementation of this interface might look like this:
public sealed class Person : IComparable {
public string Name;
public int Age;
public int CompareTo(object o) {
// Check for null
if (o= =null) return 1;
// Check for concrete type match
if (o.GetType( ) != this.GetType( ))
throw new ArgumentException( );
// Sort instances by ascending Age
Person rhs = (Person)o;
if (Age < rhs.Age) return -1;
if (Age > rhs.Age) return 1;
return 0;
Note that in this example Person is marked as
sealed. This is intended to simplify
implementation, which can be complex in the face of future,
unexpected inheritance. Remember to always ensure that the rules in
the semantic contract are followed, including the one that states you
can only compare identical types. One way of enforcing this is by
explicitly comparing the types using GetType( ),
as the previous sample does. Additionally, ensure that comparing to a
null reference doesn't throw an exception, but
returns 0, which sorts the null entries to the front of the list.
Implementing IComparable allows you to provide a
default ordering for a type. However, sometimes more than one
ordering for a type is needed. This can be accomplished using
implementations of the IComparer interface.
7.4.2 The IComparer Interface
The collection classes actually perform
their sorting using an
implementation of the IComparer interface, which
compares two independent object instances for their relative
ordering. The IComparer interface looks likes
public interface IComparer {
int Compare(object x, object y);
You generally don't need to implement this
interface, since a default implementation that delegates to the
IComparable interface is already provided by the
Comparer type (which is used by the
Array class by default). However, if you wish to
provide additional ordering options for a type, you can provide
additional concrete implementations of the
IComparer interface that performed type-specific
comparisons (these are often implemented as nested helper