14.4 Predefined Attributes
The .NET Framework makes
of attributes for purposes ranging from simple documentation to
advanced support for threading, remoting, serialization, and COM
interop. These attributes are all defined in the FCL, and can be
used, extended, and retrieved by your own code.
However, certain attributes are treated specially by the compiler and
the runtime. Three attributes considered general enough to be defined
in the C# specification are AttributeUsage,
Conditional, and Obsolete.
Other attributes, such as CLSCompliant,
Serializable, and
NonSerialized, are also treated specially.
14.4.1 The AttributeUsage Attribute
[, AllowMultiple=[true|false]]?
[, Inherited=[true|false]]?
] (for classes)
The AttributeUsage attribute is applied to a new
attribute class declaration. It controls how the new attribute should
be treated by the compiler—specifically, which set of targets
(classes, interfaces, properties, methods, parameters, etc.) the new
attribute can be specified on. This is true whether multiple
instances of this attribute may be applied to the same target, and
whether this attribute propagates to subtypes of the target.
target-enum is a bitwise mask of values
from the System.AttributeTargets enum, which looks
like this:
namespace System {
public enum AttributeTargets {
Assembly = 0x0001,
Module = 0x0002,
Class = 0x0004,
Struct = 0x0008,
Enum = 0x0010,
Constructor = 0x0020,
Method = 0x0040,
Property = 0x0080,
Field = 0x0100,
Event = 0x0200,
Interface = 0x0400,
Parameter = 0x0800,
Delegate = 0x1000,
ReturnValue = 0x2000,
All = 0x3fff,
14.4.2 The Conditional Attribute
[Conditional(symbol)] (for methods)
The Conditional attribute can be applied to any
method with a void return type. The presence of this attribute tells
the compiler to conditionally omit calls to the method unless
symbol is defined in the calling code.
This is similar to wrapping every call to the method with
#if and #endif preprocessor
directives, but Conditional has the advantage of
needing to be specified only in one place.
14.4.3 The Obsolete Attribute
[Obsolete([Message=]? message
IsError= [true|false]]
] (for all attribute targets)
Applied to any valid attribute
target, the
Obsolete attribute indicates that the target is
obsolete. Obsolete can include a message that
explains which alternative types or members to use and a flag that
tells the compiler to treat the use of this type or member as an
error instead of a warning.
For example, referencing type Bar in the following
example causes the compiler to display an error message and halts
[Obsolete("Don't try this at home", IsError=true)]
class Bar { ... }
14.4.4 The CLSCompliant Attribute
(for all attribute targets)
Applied to an assembly,
CLSCompliant attribute tells the compiler whether
to validate CLS compliance for all the exported types in the
assembly. Applied to any other attribute target, this attribute
allows the target to declare if it should be considered
CLS-compliant. In order to mark a target as CLS-compliant, the entire
assembly needs to be considered as such.
In the following example, the CLSCompliant
attribute is used to specify an assembly as CLS-compliant and a class
within it as not CLS-compliant:
public class Bar {
public ushort Answer { get {return 42;} }
14.4.5 The Serializable Attribute
(for classes, structs, enums, delegates)
Applied to a class, struct,
enum, or
delegate, the Serializable attribute marks it as
being serializable. This attribute is a pseudocustom attribute and is
represented specially in the metadata.
14.4.6 The NonSerialized attribute
[NonSerialized] (for fields)
Applied to a field, the NonSerialized attribute
it from being serialized along with its containing class or struct.
This attribute is a pseudocustom attribute and is represented
specially in the metadata.