18.3 Exposing C# Objects to COM
Just as an RCW proxy
wraps a COM object when you access it
from C#, code that accesses a C# object as a COM object must do so
through a proxy as well. When your C# object is marshaled out to COM,
the runtime creates a COM Callable
Wrapper (CCW). The CCW follows the same lifetime rules as other COM
objects, and as long as it is alive, a CCW maintains a traceable
reference to the object it wraps. This keeps the object alive when
the garbage collector is run.
The following example shows how you can export both a class and an
interface from C# and control the Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs)
and Dispatch IDs (DISPIDs) assigned. After compiling
IRunInfo and StackSnapshot, you
can register both using RegAsm.exe.
// IRunInfo.cs
// Compile with:
// csc /t:library IRunInfo.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public interface IRunInfo {
string GetRunInfo( );
// StackSnapshot.cs
// compile with csc /t:library /r:IRunInfo.dll StackSnapShot.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class StackSnapshot : IRunInfo {
public StackSnapshot( ) {
st = new StackTrace( );
public string GetRunInfo( ) {
return st.ToString( );
private StackTrace st;