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18.6 COM+ Support

The CLR also includes special plumbing and interop services that allow CLR classes to be deployed as COM+ configured components. This allows both CLR clients and classic COM clients to make use of COM+ services for building scalable applications.

18.6.1 What Is COM+?

COM+ provides a set of services that are designed to help build scalable distributed systems, such as distributed transaction support, object pooling, Just-In-Time activation, synchronization, role-based security, loosely coupled events, and others.

These services are provided by a runtime environment called the COM+ runtime, and are based on the idea of intercepting new COM object creation and (possibly) method calls to layer in the additional services as needed.

COM classes that use COM+ services are called Configured Components because the exact set of services each COM class requires is controlled and configured using declarative attributes that are stored in a metadata repository called the COM+ Catalog.

The COM+ Catalog groups a set of configured components together into something called an Application, which also has metadata settings that control which process the COM components end up in when they are created at runtime (the options here are Library and Server, where Library components end up in the creator's process, while Server components are hosted in a separate process), the security principal the new process runs as, and other settings.

18.6.2 Using COM+ Services with CLR Classes

Naturally, CLR classes can also take advantage of COM+ services. Although the underlying implementation of this is currently the classic COM+ runtime, the mechanics of it are largely hidden from the .NET programmer, who may choose to work almost entirely in terms of normal CLR base classes, interfaces, and custom attributes.

The bulk of the functionality in .NET for using COM+ services is exposed via the System.EnterpriseServices namespace. The most important type in this namespace is the ServicedComponent class, which is the base class that all CLR classes must derive from if they wish to use COM+ services (i.e., if they want to be configured components).

There is a suite of custom attributes in this namespace that can control almost all of the configuration settings that would otherwise be stored in the COM+ Catalog. Examples of these attributes include both assembly-level attributes which control the settings for the entire COM+ application, the ApplicationActivationAttributes, which controls whether the CLR class is deployed in a COM+ Library or Server application, and component-level attributes, which declare and configure the COM+ services the CLR class wishes to be provided at runtime. Examples of component-level custom attributes include the TransactionAttribute (which specifies the COM+ transaction semantics for the class), the JustInTimeActivationAttribute (which specifies that the CLR class should have JITA semantics), the SynchronizationAttribute (which controls the synchronization behavior of methods), the ObjectPoolingAttribute (which controls whether the CLR class is pooled), and many, many others.

Although ServicedComponent serves as a special base class which signals the .NET Framework that a class needs COM+ services, it also provides other capabilities. In classic COM+ work, COM classes implement interfaces such as IObjectConstruct and IObjectControl to customize aspects of their behavior. When using COM+ services in .NET, your classes can override virtual methods provided by ServicedComponent that mirror the functionality in IObjectConstruct and IObjectControl, allowing a very natural, .NET-centric way of accomplishing the same thing.

Other important classes in the System.EnterpriseServices namespace include ContextUtil and SecurityCallContext. These classes provide static methods that allow a CLR-configured component to access COM+ context. This is used to control things like transaction status and to access information such as the security role a caller is in.

Lastly, let's discuss deployment. Deploying traditional COM+ applications requires one to configure the component's COM+ Catalog settings. This is typically done using either the COM+ Explorer (by hand, really only suitable for toy applications) or using custom registration code. When configuring CLR classes, there are two different approaches.

The first approach is using the RegSvcs.exe command-line tool. This tool performs all the relevant COM Interop and COM+ Catalog configuration, using both command-line options and the custom attributes applied to your assembly and classes to control the COM+ metadata. While this requires an extra step, arguably this approach is the most powerful and flexible, resulting in CLR-configured classes that can be used from both COM and .NET clients.

Alternatively, the .NET COM+ integration is able to automatically register classes that derive from ServicedComponent in the COM+ catalog when they are first instantiated. This has the advantage of not requiring any additional setup, but also has several disadvantages, most notably that the client code that indirectly causes the registration to occur needs elevated privileges, and until the class is configured, it is invisible to COM clients.

A simple C# configured class might look like this:

using System;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
[ObjectPooling(true), Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)]
public class MyConfiguredComponent : ServicedComponent {
  public void DoDBWork( ) {
    ContextUtil.SetAbort( );
    // ... do database work...
    ContextUtil.SetComplete( );
  public override bool CanBePooled( ) { 
    return true;
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