19.4 Processes, Threads, and Stacks
The .NET Framework provides managed execution of code. However,
managed applications live alongside unmanaged applications, and need
to coexist. It can be useful for a managed application to have access
to information about the atoms of unmanaged execution, namely
operating system processes and threads. Additionally, since
"managed execution" implies the
existence of some overarching facility monitoring the execution
process itself, it is not unreasonable to wish for access to detailed
information about the execution process. Both of these needs are met
by the classes in the System.Diagnostics
namespace, providing access to unmanaged processes and threads, as
well as access to managed stack frames. Access to managed threads and
AppDomains, which are the managed equivalent of
processes, is accomplished using the System and
System.Threading namespaces.
19.4.1 Launching a New Process
The Process class can be used to
launch new operating system
processes, enumerate and kill existing ones, and monitor the vital
statistics of a running process. The Process.Start
method has overloads that range from taking the filename of an EXE to
launch to taking a populated ProcessStartInfo
instance, which fully specifies the parameters for process launching.
The latter approach can also be used to capture and redirect the
launched process's stdin,
stdout and stderr, as the
following sample demonstrates:
public void LaunchDirCommand( ) {
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo( );
psi.FileName = "cmd.exe";
psi.Arguments = "/c dir";
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
Process p = Process.Start(psi);
StreamReader stm = p.StandardOutput;
string s = stm.ReadToEnd( );
19.4.2 Examining Running Processes
methods allow
an application to retrieve a
specific process by name or process ID, and to enumerate all running
processes. Given a valid process instance, a wealth of properties
provide access to the process's vital statistics
such as name, ID, priority, memory and processor utilization, window
handles, etc. The following sample enumerates some basic information
for all the running processes in the system:
public void EnumerateRunningProcesses( ) {
Process[ ] procs = Process.GetProcesses( );
foreach (Process p in procs) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", p.ProcessName, p.Id);
Console.WriteLine(" Started: {0}", p.StartTime);
Console.WriteLine(" Working set: {0}", p.WorkingSet);
Console.WriteLine(" Processor time: {0}", p.TotalProcessorTime);
Console.WriteLine(" Threads: {0}", p.Threads.Count);
19.4.3 Examining Threads in a Process
Building on the previous example, it
is also possible to retrieve information on
the operating system threads in a process using the
Process.Threads property. This returns a
collection of ProcessThread instances, each
representing an underlying operating system thread (which may or may
not have a managed System.Threading.Thread
counterpart). Given a reference to a ProcessThread
instance we can discover a host of information about the underlying
thread and even control aspects such as thread priority and processor
public void EnumerateThreads(Process p) {
ProcessThreadCollection ptc = p.Threads;
foreach (ProcessThread pt in ptc) {
Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} ({1})", pt.Id, pt.ThreadState);
Console.WriteLine(" Priority Level: {0}", pt.PriorityLevel);
Console.WriteLine(" Started: {0}", pt.StartTime);
Console.WriteLine(" Processor time: {0}", pt.TotalProcessorTime);
Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess( );
19.4.4 Examining Stack Frames for a Thread
One of the benefits of managed
execution is that the Execution Engine
has visibility into the execution process for managed
The StackTrace and StackFrame
classes provide read-only access to some of this information, namely
the application call stack and the individual stack frames. This
information can be used in exception handling code to determine what
led up to the failure, and to improve the quality of error reporting.
// Compile with /debug+ to disable JIT inlining, provide src debug info
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class DumpStackFrames {
static void WalkStack( ) {
StackTrace st = new StackTrace(true); // true= =use .PDB if available
Console.Write("Current stack has {0} frames", st.FrameCount);
for (int i=0; i<st.FrameCount; i++) {
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(i);
Console.Write("\nFrame {0}: {1}, ", i, sf.GetMethod( ).Name);
Console.Write("{0}@{1}", sf.GetFileName( ), sf.GetFileLineNumber( ));
static void A( ) { B( ); }
static void B( ) { C( ); }
static void C( ) { WalkStack( ); }
static void Main( ) { A( ); }
A run of the preceding example produces the following output:
Current stack has 5 frames
Frame 0: WalkStack, c:\CSiaN\Diagnostics\DumpStack.cs@7
Frame 1: C, c:\CSiaN\Diagnostics\DumpStack.cs@17
Frame 2: B, c:\CSiaN\Diagnostics\DumpStack.cs@16
Frame 3: A, c:\CSiaN\Diagnostics\DumpStack.cs@15
Frame 4: Main, c:\CSiaN\Diagnostics\DumpStack.cs@18