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2.5 Predefined TypesThis section explains each of C#'s predefined types:
All of these types alias types found in the System namespace. For example, there is only a syntactic difference between these two statements: int i = 5; System.Int32 i = 5; 2.5.1 Integral Types
For unsigned integers that are n bits wide, possible values range from 0 to 2n-1. For signed integers that are n bits wide, their possible values range from -2n-1 to 2n-1-1. Integer literals can use either decimal or hexadecimal notation: int x = 5; ulong y = 0x1234AF; // prefix with 0x for hexadecimal When an integral literal is valid for several possible integral types, the default type chosen goes in this order: int, uint, long, and ulong. The following suffixes may be used to explicitly specify the chosen type: Integral conversionsAn implicit conversion between integral types is permitted when the type to convert to contains every possible value of the type to convert from. Otherwise an explicit conversion is required. For instance, you can implicitly convert an int to a long, but must explicitly convert an int to a short: int x = 123456; long y = x; // implicit, no information lost short z = (short)x; // explicit, truncates x 2.5.2 Floating-Point Types
A float can hold values from approximately ±1.5 x 10-45 to approximately ±3.4 x 1038 with 7 significant figures. A double can hold values from approximately ±5.0 x 10-324 to approximately ±1.7 x 10308 with 15-16 significant figures. Floating-point types can hold the special values +0, -0,
+ Floating-point literals can use decimal or exponential notation. A float literal requires the suffix f or F. A double literal may choose to add the suffix d or D. float x = 9.81f; double y = 7E-02; // 0.07 Floating-point conversionsAn implicit conversion from a float to a double loses no information and is permitted, but not vice versa. An implicit conversion from an int, uint, and long to a float, and from a long to a double is allowed, for readability: int strength = 2; int offset = 3; float x = 9.53f * strength - offset; If this example uses larger values, precision may be lost. However, the possible range of values is not truncated, since both a float and a double's lowest and highest possible values exceed an int, uint, or long's lowest or highest value. All other conversions between integral and floating-point types must be explicit: float x = 3.53f; int offset = (int)x; 2.5.3 Decimal TypeThe decimal type can hold values from ±1.0 x 10-28 to approximately ±7.9 x 1028 with 28-29 significant figures. The decimal type holds 28 digits and the position
of the decimal point on those digits. Unlike a floating-point value,
it has more precision, but a smaller range. It is typically useful in
financial calculations, in which the combination of its high
precision and the ability to store a base10 number without rounding
errors is very valuable. The number 0.1, for instance, is represented
exactly with a decimal, but as a recurring binary number with a
floating-point type. There is no concept of +0, -0,
+ A decimal literal requires the suffix m or M. decimal x = 80603.454327m; // holds exact value Decimal conversionsAn implicit conversion from all integral types to a decimal type is permitted because a decimal type can represent every possible integer value. A conversion from a decimal to floating type or vice versa requires an explicit conversion, since floating-point types have a bigger range than a decimal, and a decimal has more precision than a floating-point type. 2.5.4 Char Type
The char type represents a Unicode character. A char literal consists of either a character, Unicode format, or escape character enclosed in single quote marks: `A' // simple character `\u0041' // Unicode `\x0041' // unsigned short hexadecimal `\n' // escape sequence character Table 2-1 lists the escape sequence characters. Char conversionsAn implicit conversion from a char to most numeric types works—it's dependent upon whether the numeric type can accommodate an unsigned short. If it cannot, an explicit conversion is required. 2.5.5 Bool Type
The bool type is a logical value that can be assigned the literal true or false. Although a boolean value requires only one bit (0 or 1), it occupies one byte of storage, since this is the minimum chunk that addressing on most processor architectures can work with. Each element in a boolean array uses two bytes of memory. Bool conversionsNo conversions can be made from booleans to numeric types or vice versa. 2.5.6 Object Type
The object class is the ultimate base type for both value types and reference types. Value types have no storage overhead from an object. Reference types, which are stored on the heap, intrinsically require an overhead. In the .NET runtime, a reference-type instance has an eight-byte overhead, which stores the object's type, as well as temporary information such as its synchronization lock state or whether it has been fixed from movement by the garbage collector. Note that each reference to a reference-type instance uses four bytes of storage. For more information about the System.Object type, see Chapter 26. 2.5.7 String Type
The C# string represents an immutable sequence of Unicode characters, and aliases the System.String class (see Chapter 26). Although string is a class, its use is so ubiquitous in programming that it is given special privileges by both the C# compiler and .NET runtime. Unlike other classes, a new instance can be created using a string literal: string a = "Heat"; Strings can also be created with verbatim string literals. Verbatim string literals start with @, and indicate that the string should be used verbatim, even if it spans multiple lines or includes escape characters, i.e. "\". In this example, the pairs a1 and a2 represent the same string, and the pairs b1 and b2 represent the same string: string a1 = "\\\\server\\fileshare\\helloworld.cs"; string a2 = @"\\server\fileshare\helloworld.cs"; Console.WriteLine(a1= =a2); // Prints "True" string b1 = "First Line\r\nSecond Line"; string b2 = @"First Line Second Line"; Console.WriteLine(b1= =b2); // Prints "True" ![]() |
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