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A.5 Visual Styles
The aim of this property is to allow authors to trigger font scaling such that substitute fonts will not look too wildly different than the font the author wanted to use, even if the substituted font has a different x-height. Note that this property does not appear in CSS2.1. Values:<number> | none | inherit Initial value:none Applies to:all elements Inherited:yes
With this property, the character glyphs in a given font can be made wider or narrower, ideally by selected condensed or expanded faces from the font's family. Note that this property does not appear in CSS2.1. Values:normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit Initial value:normal Applies to:all elements Inherited:yes
This property specifies the distance between the nearest border edge of a marker box and its associated element box. Values:<length> | auto | inherit Initial value:auto Applies to:elements with a display value of marker Inherited:no Note:this property has been made obsolete as of CSS2.1 and will likely not appear in CSS3, with the same holding true for the display value of marker; as of this writing, it appears that other mechanisms will be used to achieve these effects
This permits the assignments of one or more "shadows" to the text in an element. The first two length values in a shadow definition set horizontal and vertical offsets, respectively, from the element's text. The third length defines a blurring radius. Note that this property does not appear in CSS2.1. Values:none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit Initial value:none Applies to:all elements Inherited:no |
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