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13.3 OutlinesCSS2 introduces a last major piece of user interface styling: outlines. An outline is sort of a like a border, but there are two very important differences. First, outlines do not participate in the flow of the document like borders do, and thus don't trigger document reflow as they appear and disappear. If you give an element a 50-pixel outline, the outline will very likely overlap other elements. Second, outlines can be nonrectangular—but don't start leaping for joy just yet. This does not mean that you can create circular outlines. Instead, it means that an outline on an inline element may not act like a border would on that same element. With an outline, a user agent is allowed to "merge" the pieces of the outline to create a single continuous, but nonrectangular, shape. Figure 13-10 shows an example. Figure 13-10. Outlines can have irregular shapes![]() User agents are not required to support nonrectangular outlines. They could instead format outlines on inline nonreplaced elements the same way they do borders. A conforming user agent must, however, make sure that outlines do not take up layout space. There is one other basic way in which outlines and borders differ: they aren't the same thing, and so they can both exist on the same element. This can lead to some interesting effects, such as that illustrated in Figure 13-11. Figure 13-11. The coexistence of borders and outlines![]() In the CSS2 specification, there is the following sentence: "The outline may be drawn starting just outside the border edge." Note the word may in that sentence. User agents are encouraged to do as the sentence suggests, but it isn't a requirement. A user agent could decide to draw borders inside the inner border edge or at some small distance from the border. As of this writing, all browsers that support outlines draw them just outside the outer border edge, so, thankfully, there is consistency. Outlines are considered to be part of user interface styling because they are most often used to indicate the current focus. If a user is using keyboard navigation to jump from link to link, then the link that is currently in focus will usually get an outline. In Internet Explorer for Windows, an outline is applied to any link that has been selected by the user ("clicked," if she's using a mouse). Other browsers apply outlines to text inputs that have the keyboard focus, thus giving a cue regarding where input will go if the user starts typing. As you'll see, outlines are styled a lot like borders, but there are some key differences besides the ones previously mentioned. We'll just skip quickly over the similarities and spend time looking at the differences. 13.3.1 Setting an Outline's StyleThe most basic aspect of an outline, like a border, is its style, which is set using outline-style.
The list of style keywords is largely the same as the keywords for border styles, and the visual effects are the same. There is an omission: hidden is not a valid outline style, and user agents are required to effectively treat it as none. This actually makes sense, given that outlines don't affect layout even when they're visible. The other difference between outlines and borders is that you can specify only one keyword for an outline-style value (compared with up to four keywords for borders). The practical effect is that outlines must have the same outline style all the way around an element, whether they're rectangular or not. This is probably just as well, since trying to figure out how to apply different styles to the same nonrectangular outline would be a pain. 13.3.2 Outline WidthOnce you've brought an outline into being by giving it a style, it's a good idea to use outline-width to define (you guessed it) the outline's width.
The list of keywords should look very familiar to anyone who's set a border width. The only real difference between outline-width and border-width is that, as with the style, you can declare only a single width for the entire outline. Thus, only one keyword is permitted in a value. 13.3.3 Coloring an OutlineSince you can set style and width, it makes sense that outline-color exists to let you give the outline a color.
Herein lies the most intriguing difference between borders and outlines: the keyword invert, which is the default value. An inverting outline means that a color inversion is performed for the pixels where the outline exists. See Figure 13-12. Figure 13-12. Inverting color with an outline![]() The process of color-inverting pixels "behind" the outline ensures that no matter what appears behind the outline, it will be visible. If a user agent can't support color inversion for some reason, then it should use instead the computed value of color for the element. The ability to invert pixels on screen is very interesting, especially since there's no theoretical limit on the width of an outline. So you could, should you choose, use an outline to invert large portions of your document. This isn't really the purpose of outlines, but Figure 13-13 shows one such result anyway. Figure 13-13. Massive inversion![]() Of course, if you'd rather define a specific color for your outline, just use any valid color value. The results of the following declarations should be obvious enough: outline-color: red; outline-color: #000; outline-color: rgb(50%,50%,50%); The potential drawback here is the possibility that an outline color could closely match the colors of the pixels around it, in which case the user won't be able to see it. This is why invert was defined. As with outline styles and widths, you can define only one color for the entire outline. 13.3.4 Bringing It All TogetherLike border for borders, outline is the shorthand property that allows you to set the style, width, and color of an outline all at once.
As with other shorthands, outline brings together several properties into a compact notation. It's subject to the same behaviors as other shorthand notations, which override previously defined values. Therefore, in the following example, the outline will use the color keyword invert since it's implied by the second declaration: a:focus {outline-color: red; outline: thick solid;} Because a given outline must be of a uniform style, width, and color, outline is the only shorthand property related to outlines. There are no properties such as outline-top or outline-right. In cases where you want to simulate an inversion border, you can set an outline with a length value for its width, and set the element's margin to an equal or greater width. Since the outline is drawn "on top" of the margin, it will fill in some of that space, as illustrated in Figure 13-14: div#callbox {outline: 5px solid invert; margin: 5px;} input:focus {outline: 1em double gray;} Figure 13-14. Different outlines![]() As I mentioned earlier, outlines do not participate in the document's flow. This prevents forced reflow in cases like link-focus outlines, which will move from link to link as the focus changes. If an author uses borders to indicate the focus, then the document layout may shift or jump around. Outlines can yield the same effects borders allow, but without the jumpiness. In order to accomplish this, outlines are by definition drawn above the rest of the element's box. Since outlines cannot overlap visible portions of their element's box in CSS2, but can overlap only the margins (which are transparent), this is not a big issue. If a future version of CSS allows outlines to move inward to overlap the borders or other visible portions of the element box, then the placement of outlines will become more important. The one area of unfortunate vagueness in CSS2 is that it explicitly avoids defining the behaviors of two outlines overlapping each other and what happens to outlines on elements that are partially obscured by other elements. You can combine both of these in a single example: div#one {outline: 1em solid invert;} div#two {outline: 1em solid invert; margin: -2em -2em 0 2em; background: white;} Now suppose div#two immediately follows div#one in a document. It will overlap the first div, and its background will overlap portions of the first div's outline. I haven't included a figure to go along with this code block because the CSS2 specification doesn't provide any ideas about what would happen. Should the first div's outline be visible, overlapping the background and contents of the second div? There will also be places where the two inversion outlines intersect; what should happen there? Are the pixels double-inverted, and thus restored to their original state? Or should the pixels be inverted once and then left unchanged? We don't know. Any illustration here would be neither right nor wrong, but simply a possible outcome—and not necessarily the one user agents end up implementing or the one a future version of CSS defines. |
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