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NSColorPicker Mac OS X 10.0

This class implements the NSColorPickingDefault protocol. This class is used to add custom color pickers to the NSColorPanel, which allows applications to add new interfaces that users can use to choose colors.


@interface NSColorPicker : NSObject <NSColorPickingDefault>
 // Initializers
   - (id)initWithPickerMask:(int)mask colorPanel:(NSColorPanel *)owningColorPanel;
 // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setMode:(int)mode;
 // Instance Methods
   - (void)attachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
   - (NSColorPanel *)colorPanel;
   - (void)detachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
   - (void)insertNewButtonImage:(NSImage *)newButtonImage in:(NSButtonCell *)buttonCell;
   - (NSImage *)provideNewButtonImage;
   - (void)viewSizeChanged:(id)sender;
 // Methods Implementing NSColorPickingDefault
   - (id)initWithPickerMask:(int)mask colorPanel:(NSColorPanel *)owningColorPanel;
   - (NSImage *)provideNewButtonImage;
   - (void)insertNewButtonImage:(NSImage *)newButtonImage in:(NSButtonCell *)buttonCell;
   - (void)viewSizeChanged:(id)sender;
   - (void)alphaControlAddedOrRemoved:(id)sender;
   - (void)attachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
   - (void)detachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
   - (void)setMode:(int)mode;

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