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NSForm Mac OS X 10.0

This subclass of NSMatrix implements an interface component that is a stack of NSFormCells, which are a type of cell that represents a titled text entry field.


@interface NSForm : NSMatrix
 // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setTitleAlignment:(NSTextAlignment)mode;
   - (void)setEntryWidth:(float)width;
   - (void)setInterlineSpacing:(float)spacing;
   - (void)setBordered:(BOOL)flag;
   - (void)setBezeled:(BOOL)flag;
   - (void)setTitleFont:(NSFont *)fontObj;
   - (void)setTextFont:(NSFont *)fontObj;
   - (void)setTextAlignment:(int)mode;
 // Instance Methods
   - (NSFormCell *)addEntry:(NSString *)title;
   - (NSFormCell *)insertEntry:(NSString *)title atIndex:(int)index;
   - (id)cellAtIndex:(int)index;
   - (int)indexOfCellWithTag:(int)aTag;
   - (int)indexOfSelectedItem;
   - (void)removeEntryAtIndex:(int)index;
   - (void)selectTextAtIndex:(int)index;
   - (void)drawCellAtIndex:(int)index;

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