This class represents the controls that populate toolbars in the user
interface. By default, a toolbar item is an icon with a label
attached. This icon functions as as simple button. Like instances of
NSButton, an NSToolbarItem
object sends an action message to a target when the user clicks the
item. To initialize a toolbar item, we use the method
initWithItemIdentifier:. The identifier is simply
a string used to uniquely identify the toolbar item. AppKit has a
number of prebuilt toolbar items that are used for common tasks, such
as opening the color panel or starting a print job. To take advantage
of these standard toolbar items, initialize the toolbar item with one
of the identifier strings listed in the constants herein.
@interface NSToolbarItem : NSObject <NSCopying, NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>
// Initializers |
- (id)initWithItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier;
// Accessor Methods |
- (void)setMinSize:(NSSize)size;
- (NSSize)minSize;
- (void)setTag:(int)tag;
- (int)tag;
- (void)setMaxSize:(NSSize)size;
- (NSSize)maxSize;
- (void)setLabel:(NSString *)label;
- (NSString *)label;
- (void)setTarget:(id)target;
- (id)target;
- (void)setPaletteLabel:(NSString *)paletteLabel;
- (NSString *)paletteLabel;
- (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
- (void)setAction:(SEL)action;
- (SEL)action;
- (void)setImage:(NSImage*)image;
- (NSImage *)image;
- (void)setToolTip:(NSString*)toolTip;
- (NSString *)toolTip;
- (void)setView:(NSView *)view;
- (NSView *)view;
- (void)setMenuFormRepresentation:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem;
- (NSMenuItem *)menuFormRepresentation;
// Instance Methods |
- (BOOL)allowsDuplicatesInToolbar;
- (BOOL)isEnabled;
- (NSString *)itemIdentifier;
- (NSToolbar *)toolbar;
- (void)validate;
// Methods Implementing NSCopying |
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
// Methods Implementing NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem |
- (SEL)action;
- (int)tag;