This class is used to perform host name lookup and
address translation. Translations are provided by any services
available to the operating system such as NetInfo, LDAP, or DNS.
Instances of NSHost are created using one of three
class methods: currentHost,
hostWithAddress:, and
hostWithName:. The first,
currentHost, returns an NSHost
object that contains information about the host running the
application process. The methods hostWithName: and
hostWithAddress: create NSHost
objects for the host with the specified name or address. The name
used in hostWithName: can be a simple host name,
or it can be a fully qualified domain name. When creating a host
object with hostWithAddress:, the IP address is
specified as a string in dotted decimal format, such as Once an instance of
NSHost has been created, it can be queried for the
IP addresses and names that the host identifies with.

@interface NSHost : NSObject
// Convenience Constructors |
+ (NSHost *)hostWithAddress:(NSString *)address;
+ (NSHost *)hostWithName:(NSString *)name;
// Class Methods |
+ (NSHost *)currentHost;
+ (void)flushHostCache;
+ (BOOL)isHostCacheEnabled;
+ (void)setHostCacheEnabled:(BOOL)flag;
// Instance Methods |
- (NSString *)address;
- (NSArray *)addresses;
- (BOOL)isEqualToHost:(NSHost *)aHost;
- (NSString *)name;
- (NSArray *)names;