A.1 Apple Documentation
Many of the best resources on Cocoa
development are installed on your hard drive when you install
Apple's Developer Tools. These documents, mirrored
online (http://developer.apple.com/techpubs), include
but aren't limited to the following:
- Mac OS X Release Notes
Updated with every release of Mac OS X, these notes are typically one
step ahead of the rest of Apple's documentation. You
should read through these every time you update your system so that
you can stay on top of the latest changes to the system.
- The Objective-C Programming Language
This is the definitive reference for the Objective-C programming
language, and is a must-read for all Cocoa developers. HTML and PDF
versions of this document can be found on the Cocoa Documentation web
site and on your system.
- Foundation Reference for Objective-C
This is a two-volume set, published by Apple through
Vervanté, contains the complete reference documentation
for the Foundation framework. This is the same material found online
at Apple's Cocoa documentation web site, and on your
hard drive as part of the developer tools installation.
- Application Kit Reference for Objective-C
Like the Foundation Reference for Objective-C, this book is a
three-volume set that contains the complete reference documentation
for the Application Kit framework.
- Inside Mac OS X: System Overview
This overview of Mac OS X is valuable for anyone doing software
development with Cocoa. You should read Inside Mac OS X: System
Overview to familiarize yourself with the architecture of Mac OS X so
you can take advantage of its design. This guide not only describes
the features and capabilities of the operating system, it also
describes concepts, facilities, and conventions common to the
system's Carbon, Cocoa, Java, and BSD application
- Inside Mac OS X: Aqua Human Interface Guidelines
This book, commonly referred to as "The
HIG," describes how to design your application for
Mac OS X's user interface (known as Aqua). The HIG
provides examples of how to use such Aqua interface elements as
windows, controls, dialogs, and icons so that the users of your Cocoa
application will be familiar and comfortable with your product the
moment they double-click its icon.
- Inside Mac OS X: Performance
This book tells you how to enhance your program to achieve maximum
performance and how to use the development tools to analyze and tune
your code. Topics include: managing virtual memory; accessing files
efficiently; optimizing Carbon applications; building efficient C,
C++, and Java code; using the Mac OS X performance measurement and
analysis tools; and optimizing the in-memory layout of your program.
- Core Foundation Developer Documentation
Cocoa is built upon the Core Foundation framework. Occasionally, you
will need to use functionality at the Core Foundation level that
isn't exposed in the Cocoa APIs.
If you prefer print over PDF, you can order printed, bound copies of
many selected Apple documents, including the full Cocoa API
reference, from Apple's print-on-demand service from
Vervanté. For more information, or to order an Apple
document, see:
- http://www.vervante.com/apple
In total, the complete bound Objective-C references for Foundation
and Application Kit span 5 volumes and nearly 3,000 pages of