11.2 Enumerations
This section lists the enumeration
constants defined by and used in the Application Kit.
NSApplication (Modal Session Return Values) |
enum {
NSRunStoppedResponse = (-1000),
NSRunAbortedResponse = (-1001),
NSRunContinuesResponse = (-1002)
NSAttributedString (Underlining) |
enum {
NSNoUnderlineStyle = 0,
NSCell (Data Entry Types) |
enum {
NSAnyType = 0,
NSIntType = 1,
NSPositiveIntType = 2,
NSFloatType = 3,
NSPositiveFloatType = 4,
NSDoubleType = 6,
NSPositiveDoubleType = 7
enum {
NSNoCellMask = 0,
NSContentsCellMask = 1,
NSPushInCellMask = 2,
NSChangeGrayCellMask = 4,
NSChangeBackgroundCellMask = 8
enum {
NSGrayModeColorPanel = 0,
NSRGBModeColorPanel = 1,
NSCMYKModeColorPanel = 2,
NSHSBModeColorPanel = 3,
NSCustomPaletteModeColorPanel = 4,
NSColorListModeColorPanel = 5,
NSWheelModeColorPanel = 6,
NSCrayonModeColorPanel = 7
NSColorPanel (Mode Masks) |
enum {
NSColorPanelGrayModeMask = 0x00000001,
NSColorPanelRGBModeMask = 0x00000002,
NSColorPanelCMYKModeMask = 0x00000004,
NSColorPanelHSBModeMask = 0x00000008,
NSColorPanelCustomPaletteModeMask = 0x00000010,
NSColorPanelColorListModeMask = 0x00000020,
NSColorPanelWheelModeMask = 0x00000040,
NSColorPanelCrayonModeMask = 0x00000080,
NSColorPanelAllModesMask = 0x0000ffff
enum {
NSDragOperationNone = 0,
NSDragOperationCopy = 1,
NSDragOperationLink = 2,
NSDragOperationGeneric = 4,
NSDragOperationPrivate = 8,
NSDragOperationMove = 16,
NSDragOperationDelete = 32,
NSDragOperationEvery = UINT_MAX
enum {
NSLeftMouseDownMask = 1 << NSLeftMouseDown,
NSLeftMouseUpMask = 1 << NSLeftMouseUp,
NSRightMouseDownMask = 1 << NSRightMouseDown,
NSRightMouseUpMask = 1 << NSRightMouseUp,
NSMouseMovedMask = 1 << NSMouseMoved,
NSLeftMouseDraggedMask = 1 << NSLeftMouseDragged,
NSRightMouseDraggedMask = 1 << NSRightMouseDragged,
NSMouseEnteredMask = 1 << NSMouseEntered,
NSMouseExitedMask = 1 << NSMouseExited,
NSKeyDownMask = 1 << NSKeyDown,
NSKeyUpMask = 1 << NSKeyUp,
NSFlagsChangedMask = 1 << NSFlagsChanged,
NSAppKitDefinedMask = 1 << NSAppKitDefined,
NSSystemDefinedMask = 1 << NSSystemDefined,
NSApplicationDefinedMask = 1 << NSApplicationDefined,
NSPeriodicMask = 1 << NSPeriodic,
NSCursorUpdateMask = 1 << NSCursorUpdate,
NScrollWheelMask = 1 << NSScrollWheel,
NSOtherMouseDownMask = 1 << NSOtherMouseDown,
NSOtherMouseUpMask = 1 << NSOtherMouseUp,
NSOtherMouseDraggedMask = 1 << NSOtherMouseDragged,
NSAnyEventMask = 0xffffffffU
NSEvent (Function Key Unicodes) |
enum {
NSUpArrowFunctionKey = 0xF700,
NSDownArrowFunctionKey = 0xF701,
NSLeftArrowFunctionKey = 0xF702,
NSRightArrowFunctionKey = 0xF703,
NSF1FunctionKey = 0xF704,
NSF2FunctionKey = 0xF705,
NSF3FunctionKey = 0xF706,
NSF4FunctionKey = 0xF707,
NSF5FunctionKey = 0xF708,
NSF6FunctionKey = 0xF709,
NSF7FunctionKey = 0xF70A,
NSF8FunctionKey = 0xF70B,
NSF9FunctionKey = 0xF70C,
NSF10FunctionKey = 0xF70D,
NSF11FunctionKey = 0xF70E,
NSF12FunctionKey = 0xF70F,
NSF13FunctionKey = 0xF710,
NSF14FunctionKey = 0xF711,
NSF15FunctionKey = 0xF712,
NSF16FunctionKey = 0xF713,
NSF17FunctionKey = 0xF714,
NSF18FunctionKey = 0xF715,
NSF19FunctionKey = 0xF716,
NSF20FunctionKey = 0xF717,
NSF21FunctionKey = 0xF718,
NSF22FunctionKey = 0xF719,
NSF23FunctionKey = 0xF71A,
NSF24FunctionKey = 0xF71B,
NSF25FunctionKey = 0xF71C,
NSF26FunctionKey = 0xF71D,
NSF27FunctionKey = 0xF71E,
NSF28FunctionKey = 0xF71F,
NSF29FunctionKey = 0xF720,
NSF30FunctionKey = 0xF721,
NSF31FunctionKey = 0xF722,
NSF32FunctionKey = 0xF723,
NSF33FunctionKey = 0xF724,
NSF34FunctionKey = 0xF725,
NSF35FunctionKey = 0xF726,
NSInsertFunctionKey = 0xF727,
NSDeleteFunctionKey = 0xF728,
NSHomeFunctionKey = 0xF729,
NSBeginFunctionKey = 0xF72A,
NSEndFunctionKey = 0xF72B,
NSPageUpFunctionKey = 0xF72C,
NSPageDownFunctionKey = 0xF72D,
NSPrintScreenFunctionKey = 0xF72E,
NSScrollLockFunctionKey = 0xF72F,
NSPauseFunctionKey = 0xF730,
NSSysReqFunctionKey = 0xF731,
NSBreakFunctionKey = 0xF732,
NSResetFunctionKey = 0xF733,
NSStopFunctionKey = 0xF734,
NSMenuFunctionKey = 0xF735,
NSUserFunctionKey = 0xF736,
NSSystemFunctionKey = 0xF737,
NSPrintFunctionKey = 0xF738,
NSClearLineFunctionKey = 0xF739,
NSClearDisplayFunctionKey = 0xF73A,
NSInsertLineFunctionKey = 0xF73B,
NSDeleteLineFunctionKey = 0xF73C,
NSInsertCharFunctionKey = 0xF73D,
NSDeleteCharFunctionKey = 0xF73E,
NSPrevFunctionKey = 0xF73F,
NSNextFunctionKey = 0xF740,
NSSelectFunctionKey = 0xF741,
NSExecuteFunctionKey = 0xF742,
NSUndoFunctionKey = 0xF743,
NSRedoFunctionKey = 0xF744,
NSFindFunctionKey = 0xF745,
NSHelpFunctionKey = 0xF746,
NSModeSwitchFunctionKey = 0xF747
enum {
NSAlphaShiftKeyMask = 1 << 16,
NSShiftKeyMask = 1 << 17,
NSControlKeyMask = 1 << 18,
NSAlternateKeyMask = 1 << 19,
NSCommandKeyMask = 1 << 20,
NSNumericPadKeyMask = 1 << 21,
NSHelpKeyMask = 1 << 22,
NSFunctionKeyMask = 1 << 23
NSEvent (Types Defined by the Application Kit) |
enum {
NSWindowExposedEventType = 0,
NSApplicationActivatedEventType = 1,
NSApplicationDeactivatedEventType = 2,
NSWindowMovedEventType = 4,
NSScreenChangedEventType = 8,
NSAWTEventType = 16
NSEvent (Types Defined by the System) |
enum {
NSPowerOffEventType = 1
enum {
NSItalicFontMask = 0x00000001,
NSBoldFontMask = 0x00000002,
NSUnboldFontMask = 0x00000004,
NSNonStandardCharacterSetFontMask = 0x00000008,
NSNarrowFontMask = 0x00000010,
NSExpandedFontMask = 0x00000020,
NSCondensedFontMask = 0x00000040,
NSSmallCapsFontMask = 0x00000080,
NSPosterFontMask = 0x00000100,
NSCompressedFontMask = 0x00000200,
NSFixedPitchFontMask = 0x00000400,
NSUnitalicFontMask = 0x01000000
NSGraphics (Alpha Values) |
enum {
NSAlphaEqualToData = 1,
NSAlphaAlwaysOne = 2
NSGlyph (Reserved Glyph Codes) |
enum {
NSControlGlyph = 0x00FFFFFF,
NSNullGlyph = 0x0
NSImageRep (Display Device Matching) |
enum {
NSOutlineView (Drop on Index) |
enum {
NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex = -1
NSPanel (Alert Panel Return Values) |
enum {
NSAlertDefaultReturn = 1,
NSAlertAlternateReturn = 0,
NSAlertOtherReturn = -1,
NSAlertErrorReturn = -2
NSPanel (Modal Panel Return Values) |
enum {
NSOKButton = 1,
NSCancelButton = 0
enum {
NSUtilityWindowMask = 1 << 4,
NSDocModalWindowMask = 1 << 6,
NSNonactivatingPanelMask = 1 << 7
NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSApplication) |
enum {
NSRunLoop (Ordering Modes for NSWindow) |
enum {
NSSavePanel (Tags for Subviews) |
enum {
NSFileHandlingPanelImageButton = 150,
NSFileHandlingPanelTitleField = 151,
NSFileHandlingPanelBrowser = 152,
NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton = NSCancelButton,
NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton = NSOKButton,
NSFileHandlingPanelForm = 155
NSText (Important Unicodes) |
enum {
NSParagraphSeparatorCharacter = 0x2029,
NSLineSeparatorCharacter = 0x2028,
NSTabCharacter = 0x0009,
NSFormFeedCharacter = 0x000c,
NSNewlineCharacter = 0x000a,
NSCarriageReturnCharacter = 0x000d,
NSEnterCharacter = 0x0003,
NSBackspaceCharacter = 0x0008,
NSBackTabCharacter = 0x0019,
NSDeleteCharacter = 0x007f
enum {
NSIllegalTextMovement = 0,
NSReturnTextMovement = 0x10,
NSTabTextMovement = 0x11,
NSBacktabTextMovement = 0x12,
NSLeftTextMovement = 0x13,
NSRightTextMovement = 0x14,
NSUpTextMovement = 0x15,
NSDownTextMovement = 0x16
NSTextAttachment (Attachment Character) |
enum {
NSAttachmentCharacter = 0xfffc
enum {
NSTextStorageEditedAttributes = 1,
NSTextStorageEditedCharacters = 2
enum {
NSViewNotSizable = 0,
NSViewMinXMargin = 1,
NSViewWidthSizable = 2,
NSViewMaxXMargin = 4,
NSViewMinYMargin = 8,
NSViewHeightSizable = 16,
NSViewMaxYMargin = 32
enum {
NSBorderlessWindowMask = 0,
NSTitledWindowMask = 1 << 0,
NSClosableWindowMask = 1 << 1,
NSMiniaturizableWindowMask = 1 << 2,
NSResizableWindowMask = 1 << 3,
NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask= 1 << 8