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How This Book Is Organized

This book is split into two parts: the overview of Cocoa familiarizes developers with Cocoa's structure, and the API quick reference contains method name listings and brief descriptions for all Foundation and Application Kit framework classes.

Part I is divided into the following eight chapters:

Chapter 1, Objective-C

This chapter introduces the use of Objective-C language. Many object-oriented concepts you may be familiar with from other languages are discussed in the context of Objective-C, which lets you leverage your previous knowledge.

Chapter 2, Foundation

This chapter discusses the Foundation framework classes that all programs require for common programming tasks such as data handling, process control, run loop management, and interapplication communication.

Chapter 3, The Application Kit

This chapter introduces the Application Kit and details larger abstractions of the Application Kit, such as how events are handled with responder chains, the document-based application architecture, and other design patterns that are important in Cocoa development.

Chapter 4, Drawing and Imaging

This chapter discusses Cocoa's two-dimensional (2D) graphics capabilities available in the Application Kit.

Chapter 5, Text Handling

This chapter details the architecture of Cocoa's advanced text-handling system, which provides a rich level of text-handling functionality for all Cocoa developers.

Chapter 6, Networking

This chapter summarizes networking technologies, such as Rendezvous and URL services, that are accessible from a Cocoa application.

Chapter 7, Interapplication Communication

This chapter discusses interapplication communication techniques, including distributed objects, pipes, and distributed notifications.

Chapter 8, Other Frameworks

This chapter provides information about the many Objective-C frameworks that can be used in conjunction with Cocoa. These frameworks include those that are part of Mac OS X, such as AddressBook and DiscRecording, as well as frameworks supplied by third-party developers.

Part II contains Foundation and AppKit framework references and, as such, makes up the bulk of the book. First, there's an explanation of the organization of chapters in Part II and how class information is referenced. The rest of the section is divided into eight chapters and a method index. Each chapter focuses on a different part of the Cocoa API.

Chapter 9, Foundation Types and Constants

This chapter lists the data types and constants defined by the Foundation framework.

Chapter 10, Foundation Functions

This chapter lists the functions defined by the Foundation framework.

Chapter 11, Application Kit Types and Constants

This chapter lists the data types and constants defined by the Application Kit.

Chapter 12, Application Kit Functions

This chapter lists the functions defined by the Application Kit.

Chapter 13, Foundation Classes

This chapter contains the API quick-reference Foundation framework classes.

Chapter 14, Foundation Protocols

This smaller chapter covers the handful of protocols declared as part of the Foundation framework.

Chapter 15, Application Kit Classes

This chapter provides the API quick reference for Application Kit classes.

Chapter 16, Application Kit Protocols

This chapter provides reference to the protocols defined and used in the AppKit.

Chapter 17, Method Index

This index contains an alphabetical listing of every method in the Foundation framework and Application Kit. Each method name in the index has a list of classes that implement that method.

Unlike the rest of the book's sections, there is but one short appendix in Part III. Regardless of your experience level as a Mac developer, this section contains valuable resources for Cocoa programmers, including details on how you can partner with Apple to market your application.

Appendix A

This appendix lists vital resources for Cocoa developers, including Apple developer documentation, web sites, mailing lists, books, and details on how to partner with Apple to gain exposure for your applications.

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