13.30 <istream>
The <istream> header declares the input stream
classes, templates, and an input manipulator.
istream is declared in
<istream>, and ostream is
declared in <ostream>, but
iostream is declared in
<istream>, not
See <fstream> for derived-class templates
that read from files and <sstream> for
derived-class templates that read from strings. See
<ios> for the base-class declarations. Refer
to Chapter 9 for general information about I/O.
basic_iostream class template |
Base class for input and output stream
template <typename charT, typename traits = char_traits<charT> >
class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<charT,traits>,
public basic_ostream<charT,traits>
explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<charT,traits>* sb);
virtual ~basic_iostream( );
The basic_iostream class template represents a
stream that can perform input and output. (For details, see its base
class templates, basic_istream in this section and
basic_ostream in
<ostream>.) Note that the two base-class
templates share a common stream buffer, sb. Note
also that basic_istream and
basic_ostream inherit virtually from
basic_ios; basic_iostream
inherits a single instance of the formatting flags,
iostate, and so on.
See Also
basic_istream class template,
iostream class, wiostream
class, basic_iostream in
<ios>, basic_ostream in
basic_istream class template |
Base class for input stream
template <typename chT, typename traits = char_traits<chT> >
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<chT,traits>
// Types
typedef chT char_type;
typedef typename traits::int_type int_type;
typedef typename traits::pos_type pos_type;
typedef typename traits::off_type off_type;
typedef traits traits_type;
explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<chT,traits>* sb);
virtual ~basic_istream( );
class sentry;
// Formatted input
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<chT,traits>&
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>> (basic_ios<chT,traits>& |
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(bool& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(short& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned short& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(int& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned int& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(long& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned long& n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(float& f);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(double& f);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(long double& f);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(void*& p);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>> (basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>* sb);
// Unformatted input
streamsize gcount( ) const;
int_type get( );
basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type& c);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>& sb);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>& sb,
char_type delim);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n,
char_type delim);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& ignore (streamsize n = 1, int_type
delim=traits::eof( ));
int_type peek( );
basic_istream<chT,traits>& read(char_type* s, streamsize n);
streamsize readsome(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& putback(char_type c);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& unget( );
int sync( );
pos_type tellg( );
basic_istream<chT,traits>& seekg(pos_type);
basic_istream<chT,traits>& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir);
The basic_istream class template is the base for
all input streams. It declares members for reading from streams and
for managing streams. The act of reading from a stream is also known
as extracting from the stream.
All reads go through a stream buffer, which provides the low-level
access to the stream data. (See the sbumpc and
sgetc functions for
basic_streambuf in the
<streambuf> header.) If the stream buffer
returns traits::eof( ) for an input operation, the
stream sets failbit |
eofbit in the stream's I/O state.
If the buffer object throws an exception, the stream sets
Before performing an input operation (e.g.,
operator>> or a get( )
function), the stream constructs a sentry object.
If the sentry evaluates to true, the read
operation continues. If the read throws an exception,
badbit is set. The second
(noskipws) argument to the sentry constructor is
false for the formatted functions
(operator>>) and true for
all other input operations. The sentry object is destroyed before the
input function returns. See basic_istream::sentry
later in this section for more information.
When an input operation throws an exception, the stream sets
badbit. If badbit is set in the
exceptions( ) mask, the stream does not throw
ios_base::failure, but instead rethrows the
original exception. If any input operation sets
eofbit or failbit, and that bit
is set in the exceptions( ) mask, the usual
ios_base::failure exception is thrown.
The following are the basic_istream member
- explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<chT,traits>* sb)
Calls the basic_ios(sb) constructor and
initializes gcount( ) to 0.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<chT,traits>& (*manip)(basic_istream<chT,traits>&))
Returns manip(*this). See the
ws function for an example of such a manipulator.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(basic_ios<chT,traits>&(*manip)(basic_ios<chT,traits>&))
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(ios_base& (*manip)(ios_base&))
Calls manip(*this) and returns
*this. See the dec function in
<ios> for an example of such a manipulator.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(bool& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(short& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned short& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(int& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned int& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(long& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(unsigned long& n)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(float& f)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(double& f)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(long double& f)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(void*& p)
Reads a formatted item from the stream. These formatted input
functions use the num_get facet of the
stream's imbued locale as shown in Example 13-16. See the <locale>
header for information about num_get and locales.
Example 13-16. Using the num_get facet to format input
std::istreambuf_iterator<char_type, traits_type> >
std::ios_base::iostate err = 0;
std::use_facet<numget>(getloc( )).(*this, 0, *this, err, val);
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& operator>>(basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>* sb)
Copies input to the stream buffer sb. If
sb is a null pointer, the stream sets
failbit and returns immediately. Otherwise, the
function copies characters from the input stream to
sb until it reaches the end of the input stream,
writing to sb fails, or an exception is caught. If
no characters are copied to sb,
failbit is set. The return value is
- streamsize gcount( ) const
Returns the number of characters extracted by the most recent call to
an unformatted member function (get,
getline, ignore,
peek, putback,
read, readsome, and
- int_type get( )
Reads a single character and returns it. If no character is
available, the function sets failbit and returns
traits::eof( ).
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type& c)
Reads a single character and stores it in c. If no
character is available, the function sets failbit
and does not modify c. The return value is
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n)
Returns get(s, n,
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim)
Reads up to n - 1 characters into the character
array that s points to. Reading stops at the
end-of-file (which sets eofbit) or when the next
character would be delim (but the delimiter
character is not read from the buffer). If no characters are stored
in s, failbit is set.
A null character is always appended to the end of
s. The return value is *this.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>& sb)
Returns get(sb, widen('\n')).
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type,traits>& sb, char_type delim)
Copies characters to the output buffer sb. Copying
stops when an end-of-file is reached, when writing to
sb fails, or when the next character to read would
be delim (the delimiter is not read from the input
buffer). If no characters are copied to sb,
failbit is set.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n)
Returns getline(s, n,
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim)
Reads up to n - 1 characters into the character
array that s points to. Reading stops at the
end-of-file (which sets eofbit) or when
delim is read (the delimiter character is read
from the buffer but not stored in s).
If no characters are read from the stream, failbit
is set. If exactly n - 1 characters are read
before reaching the end-of-file, eofbit is set;
otherwise, if the limit of n - 1 characters is
reached before reading a delimiter, failbit is
A null character is always appended to the end of
s. The return value is *this.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& ignore (streamsize n=1, int_type delim=traits::eof( ))
Reads characters from the input buffer and discards them. The
operation stops when one of the following occurs:
n characters have been read and discarded if n != numeric_limits<int>::max.
End-of-file is reached, in which case eofbit is set.
delim is read if delim != traits::eof( ).
The return value is *this.
- int_type peek( )
Looks ahead to the next character in the input stream. If
good( ) returns true,
rdbuf( )->sgetc( ) is returned; otherwise,
traits::eof( ) is returned. No characters are
extracted from the stream, so a subsequent call to gcount(
) returns 0.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& read(char_type* s, streamsize n)
Reads up to n characters and stores them in the
array that s points to. Before reading anything,
if good( ) is false, failbit is
set, and nothing is read. Otherwise, if end-of-file is reached before
reading n characters, eofbit
and failbit are set. A null character is not
appended to s. The return value is
- streamsize readsome(char_type* s, streamsize n)
Tries to read as many immediately available characters as possible
into the array that s points to. If good(
) is false before reading, failbit is
set, and readsome returns immediately. Otherwise,
readsome calls rdbuf( )->in_avail(
) and does one of the following:
in_avail( ) == -1: eofbit is set and no characters are read
in_avail( ) == 0: no characters are read
in_avail( ) > 0: min(in_avail( ), n) characters are read into s
A null character is not appended to s. The return
value is the number of characters stored in s.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& putback(char_type c)
Tries to push back the character c so it will be
the next character read from the input stream. If good(
) is false, failbit
is set and putback returns. Otherwise, if
rdbuf( ) is not null, putback
calls rdbuf( )->sputbackc(c). If
rdbuf( ) is null or sputbackc
returns traits::eof( ), badbit
is set. The return value is *this. A subsequent
call to gcount( ) returns 0.
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& seekg(pos_type pos)
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& seekg(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir)
Tries to seek to a new position in the stream. The first form
specifies the position explicitly; the second form specifies the new
position as an offset from a known position (beginning of file,
current position, or end-of-file). If fail( ) is
false, seekg calls rdbuf(
)->pubseekoff(pos) or rdbuf(
)->pubseekoff(off, dir). The return
value is *this.
- int sync( )
Synchronizes the stream buffer. If rdbuf( ) is
null, sync returns -1;
otherwise, sync calls rdbuf( )->pubsync( ). If
pubsync returns -1,
badbit is set, and sync returns
-1. Otherwise, sync returns 0.
- pos_type tellg( )
Returns the current position in the stream. If fail(
) is true, the return value is
pos_type(-1); otherwise, the return value is
rdbuf( )->pubseekoff(0,
ios_base::cur, ios_base::in).
- basic_istream<chT,traits>& unget( )
Tries to push back the last input character. If good(
) is false, failbit
is set and unget returns. Otherwise, if
rdbuf( ) is not null, putback
calls rdbuf( )->sungetc( ). If rdbuf(
) is null or sungetc returns
traits::eof( ), badbit is set.
The return value is *this. A subsequent call to
gcount( ) returns 0.
See Also
istream class, wistream class
basic_istream::sentry class |
Sentry class for input streams
template <typename chT, typename traits=char_traits<chT> >
class basic_istream<chT,traits>::sentry{
public: explicit sentry(basic_istream<chT,traits>& stream,
bool noskipws = false);
~sentry( );
operator bool( ) const;
sentry(const sentry&); // Not defined
sentry& operator=(const sentry&); // Not defined
A basic_istream object constructs a temporary
sentry object prior to each input operation. The
sentry object is destroyed when the input
operation finishes and the function returns. The
sentry manages tied streams and is responsible for
skipping whitespace prior to a formatted read.
The stream passes itself and a flag to the sentry's
constructor. Formatted reads (operator>>)
use false for the second argument; unformatted
reads (get, getline, etc.) use
If stream.good( ) is true, the sentry first
flushes any tied stream. That is, if stream.tie( )
is not null, the sentry calls stream.tie( )->flush(
). This ensures that prompts and similar output appears
before the input is requested. Then, if the
noskipws argument is false, and if the
skipws bit is not set in the
stream's formatting flags
((ios_base::skipws &
stream.fmtflags( )) ==
0), the sentry's constructor
reads and discards whitespace characters. The sentry uses code
similar to that shown in Example 13-17.
Example 13-17. Skipping whitespace in an input sentry
const std::ctype<char_type>& ctype =
std::use_facet<ctype<char_type> >(stream.getloc( ));
int_type c;
while ((c = stream.rdbuf( )->snextc( )) != traits::eof( ))
if (ctype.is(ctype.space,c) == 0) {
// Put back the non-space character.
stream.rdbuf( )->sputbackc(c);
If anything goes wrong, the sentry calls
stream.setstate(failbit). The
sentry's operator bool( ) returns
true if stream.good( ) is
true, and false otherwise.
See Also
basic_istream class template,
basic_ostream::sentry in
iostream class |
Narrow input and output stream
typedef basic_iostream<char> iostream;
The iostream class specializes
basic_iostream for the char
See Also
basic_iostream class template,
istream class, wiostream class,
ostream in <ostream>
istream class |
Input stream
typedef basic_istream<char> istream;
The istream class specializes
basic_istream for the char
See Also
basic_istream class template,
iostream class, wistream class,
ostream in <ostream>
operator>> function template |
Input operator for single characters
template<typename charT, typename traits>
basic_istream<charT,traits>& operator>>
(basic_istream<charT,traits>& stream, charT& c);
template<typename traits> basic_istream<char,traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<char,traits>& stream, unsigned char& c);
template<typename traits> basic_istream<char,traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<char,traits>& stream, signed char& c);
The operator>> function reads a character
from an input stream using the rules for a formatted read (that is, a
sentry object is constructed and initial
whitespace is skipped). The character is stored in
c. If no character is available,
failbit is set. The return value is
Note that the first form of operator>> reads
the stream's character type. If the
stream's character type is char,
the second and third forms read signed
char and unsigned
See Also
basic_istream class template
operator>> function template |
Input operator for character arrays
template<typename charT, typename traits>
basic_istream<charT,traits>& operator>>
(basic_istream<charT,traits>& stream, charT* str);
template<typename traits> basic_istream<char,traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<char,traits>& stream, unsigned char* str);
template<typename traits> basic_istream<char,traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<char,traits>& stream, signed char* str);
The operator>> function reads characters
from stream into str. As with
any formatted input, a sentry object is created
and initial whitespace is skipped. Characters are then read from the
stream into str until an end-of-file is reached or
the next character read would be a whitespace character (the space is
not read from the stream).
To limit the number of characters read (always a good idea), set the
stream's width to
n. At most, n -
1 characters will be read into s. The function
resets the width to 0 after reading the stream. A
null character is always appended to the end of the string.
If no characters are read from the stream, failbit
is set.
Note that the first form of operator>> reads
with the stream's character type. If the
stream's character type is char,
the second and third forms read signed
char and unsigned
See Also
basic_istream class template
wiostream class |
Wide input and output stream
typedef basic_iostream<wchar_t> wiostream;
The wiostream class specializes
basic_iostream for the wchar_t
See Also
basic_iostream class template,
iostream class, wistream class,
wostream in <ostream>
wistream class |
Wide input stream
typedef basic_istream<wchar_t> wistream;
The wistream class specializes
basic_istream for the wchar_t
See Also
basic_istream class template,
istream class, wiostream class,
wostream in <ostream>
ws function |
Skips whitespace manipulator
template <class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT,traits>& ws(basic_istream<charT,traits>& stream);
The ws function is an input stream manipulator
that skips whitespace characters in stream using
the same technique as basic_istream::sentry. If
the manipulator reaches the end-of-file, it sets
eofbit, but not failbit.
Suppose you want to read a line of text by calling
getline, but you also want to skip whitespace at
the beginning of the line. (Because getline is an
unformatted input function, it does not automatically skip
whitespace.) The following example shows one way to skip whitespace
and read the line using ws:
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
. . .
in >> ws;
in.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
See Also
basic_istream class template,
basic_istream::sentry class