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C.1 Instructions for BIND 8.2.3Compiling and installing BIND 8.2.3 is easy. Here are detailed instructions to follow. C.1.1 Get the Source CodeFirst, you've got to get the source code. There's a copy on ftp.isc.org, available for anonymous FTP: % cd /tmp % ftp ftp.isc.org. Connected to isrv4.pa.vix.com. 220 ProFTPD 1.2.0 Server (ISC FTP Server) [ftp.isc.org] Name (ftp.isc.org.:user): ftp 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Password: 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> Now you need to find the right file: ftp > cd /isc/bind/src/cur/bind-8 250 CWD command successful. ftp > binary 200 Type set to I. ftp > get bind-src.tar.gz local: bind-src.tar.gz remote: bind-src.tar.gz 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for bind-src.tar.gz (1309147 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. 1309147 bytes received in 23 seconds (56 Kbytes/s) ftp > quit 221 Goodbye. C.1.2 Unpack the Source CodeNow you've got the compressed tar file that contains the BIND source. Just use the tar command to uncompress and untar it: % tar -zxvf bind-src.tar.gz (This assumes you've got a version of tar that can handle compressed, gzipped files; if you don't, you can get a new copy of tar via anonymous FTP from ftp.gnu.org in /gnu/tar/tar-1.13.tar.) This will create a src directory with several subdirectories, including bin, include, lib, and port. The contents of these subdirectories is as follows:
C.1.3 Use the Proper Compiler SettingsBefore you can build everything, you'll need a C compiler. Nearly every version of Linux comes with gcc, the GNU C compiler, which works fine. If you need to get gcc, you can find information at http://www.fsf.org/software/gcc/gcc.html. By default, BIND assumes that you're using the GNU C compiler and various other GNUish utilities, such as flex and byacc. These are a standard part of most Linux development environments. If your version of Linux uses different programs, though, you'll need to modify port/linux/Makefile.set. This file lets BIND know which programs to use. C.1.4 Build EverythingNext, you compile everything from the top-level directory. First, run: % make stdlinks Then run: % make clean % make depend This removes any old object files you might have sitting around from previous compilation attempts and updates the Makefile dependencies. Then, compile the source code by running: % make all The source code should compile without any errors. Next, install the new named and named-xfer programs into /usr/sbin. You'll need to become root to do this. Use the command: # make install |
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