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10.1 Address Match Lists and ACLs

Before we introduce the new features, however, we'd better cover address match lists. BIND 8 and 9 use address match lists for nearly every security feature and for some features that aren't security-related at all.

An address match list is a list (what else?) of terms that specifies one or more IP addresses. The elements in the list can be individual IP addresses, IP prefixes, or a named address match list (more on those shortly).[1] An IP prefix has the format:

[1] And if you're running BIND 9, address match lists can include IPv6 addresses and IPv6 prefixes. These are described later in the chapter.

network in dotted-octet format/bits in netmask

For example, the network with the network mask (eight contiguous ones) would be written 15/8. Traditionally, this would have been thought of as the "class A" network 15. The network consisting of IP addresses through, on the other hand, would be written (network with the netmask, which has 26 contiguous ones). Here's an address match list comprising those two networks:


A named address match list is just that: an address match list with a name. To be used within another address match list, a named address match list must have been previously defined in named.conf with an acl statement. The acl statement has a simple syntax:

acl name { address_match_list; };

This just makes the name equivalent to that address match list from now on. Although the name of the statement, acl, suggests " access control list," you can use the named address match list anywhere an address match list is accepted, including some places that don't have anything to do with access control.

Any time you're going to use one or more of the same terms in a few access control lists, it's a good idea to use an acl statement to associate them with a name. You can then refer to the name in the address match list. For example, let's call 15/8 what it is: "HP-NET." And we'll call "internal":

acl "HP-NET" { 15/8; };

acl "internal" {; };

Now we can refer to these address match lists by name in other address match lists. This not only cuts down on typing, but it makes the resulting named.conf file more readable.

We prudently enclosed the names of our ACLs in quotes to avoid collisions with words BIND reserves for its own use. If you're sure your ACL names don't conflict with reserved words, you don't need the quotes.

There are four predefined named address match lists:


No IP addresses


All IP addresses


Any of the IP addresses of the local host (i.e., the one running the name server)


Any of the networks the local host has a network interface on (found by using each network interface's IP address and using the netmask to mask off the host bits in the address)

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