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16.6 Additional Resource Records

There are a number of resource records that we haven't covered yet in this book. The first of these, HINFO, has been around since the beginning but hasn't been widely used. The others were defined in RFC 1183 and several successive RFCs. Most are experimental, but some are on the standards track and are coming into more prevalent use. We'll describe them here to give you a little head start in getting used to them.

16.6.1 Host Information

HINFO stands for Host INFOrmation. The record-specific data is a pair of strings identifying the host's hardware type and operating system. The strings are supposed to come from the MACHINE NAMES and OPERATING SYSTEM NAMES listed in the "Assigned Numbers" RFC (currently RFC 1700), but this requirement is not enforced; you can use your own abbreviations. The RFC isn't at all comprehensive, so it's quite possible you won't find your system in the list anyway. Originally, host information records were intended to let services like FTP determine how to interact with a remote system. This would have made it possible to negotiate datatype transformations automatically, for example. Unfortunately, this didn't happen—few sites supply accurate HINFO values for all their systems. Some network administrators use HINFO records to help them keep track of machine types instead of recording the machine types in a database or a notebook. Here are two examples of HINFO records; note that the hardware type and operating system fields must be surrounded with quotes if they include any whitespace:

; These machine names and system names did not come from RFC 1700
cujo      IN  HINFO  "Watch Dog Hardware"  "Rabid OS"

Before you go adding them to your zone—particularly a zone visible from the Internet—you should know that HINFO records can present a security risk. By providing easily accessible information about a system, you may be making it easier for a hacker to break into it.

16.6.2 AFSDB

AFSDB has a syntax like that of the MX record, and semantics a bit like that of the NS record. An AFSDB record gives either the location of an AFS cell database server or of a DCE cell's authenticated name server. The type of server the record points to and the name of the host running the server are contained in the record-specific data portion of the record.

So what's an AFS cell database server? Or AFS, for that matter? AFS originally stood for the Andrew File System, designed by the good folks at Carnegie-Mellon University as part of the Andrew Project. (It's now an IBM product.) AFS is a network filesystem, like NFS, but one that handles the latency of wide area networks much better than NFS does and provides local caching of files to enhance performance. An AFS cell database server runs the process responsible for tracking the location of filesets (groups of files) on various AFS fileservers within a cell (a logical group of hosts). So being able to find the AFS cell database server is the key to finding any file in the cell.

And what's an authenticated name server? It holds location information about all sorts of services available within a DCE cell. A DCE cell? That's a logical group of hosts that share services offered by The Open Group's Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).

And now, back to our story. To access another cell's AFS or DCE services across a network, you must first find out where that cell's cell database servers or authenticated name servers are. Hence the new record type. The domain name the record is attached to gives the name of the cell the server knows about. Cells often share names with DNS domains, so this usually doesn't look at all odd.

As we said, the AFSDB record's syntax is like the MX record's syntax. In place of the preference value, you specify the number 1 for an AFS cell database server or 2 for a DCE authenticated name server.

In place of the mail exchanger host, you specify the name of the host running the server. Simple!

Say an systems administrator sets up a DCE cell (which includes AFS services) because she wants to experiment with distributed processing to speed up graphics rendering. She runs both an AFS cell database server and a DCE name server on, another cell database server on, and another DCE name server on She should set up the AFSDB records as follows:

; Our DCE cell is called, same as the domain name of the zone  IN  AFSDB  1
               IN  AFSDB  2
               IN  AFSDB  1
               IN  AFSDB  2

16.6.3 X25, ISDN, and RT

These three record types were created specifically in support of research on next-generation internets. Two of the records, X25 and ISDN, are simply address records specific to X.25 and ISDN networks, respectively. Both take record-specific data appropriate to the type of network. The X25 record type uses an X.121 address (X.121 is the ITU-T recommendation that specifies the format of addresses used in X.25 networks). The ISDN record type uses an ISDN address.

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. Telephone companies around the world use ISDN protocols to allow their telephone networks to carry both voice and data, creating an integrated network. Although ISDN's availability is spotty throughout the U.S., it has been widely adopted in some international markets. Since ISDN uses the telephone companies' networks, an ISDN address is just a phone number, and in fact consists of a country code, followed by an area code or city code, then by a local phone number. Sometimes there are a few extra digits at the end that you wouldn't see in a phone number, called a subaddress. The subaddress is specified in a separate field in the record-specific data.

Examples of the X25 and ISDN record types are:  IN  X25  31105060845    IN  ISDN  141555514539488      IN  ISDN  141555514539488 004

These records are intended for use in conjunction with the Route Through ( RT) record type. RT is syntactically and semantically similar to the MX record type: it specifies an intermediate host that routes packets (instead of mail) to a destination host. So now, instead of being able to route only mail to a host that isn't directly connected to the Internet, you can route any kind of IP packet to that host by using another host as a forwarder. The packet could be part of a Telnet or FTP session, or perhaps even a DNS query!

Like MX, RT includes a preference value indicating how desirable delivery to a particular host is. For example, the records:  IN  RT  10
                        IN  RT  20

instruct hosts to route packets bound for through (the first choice) or through second choice).

The way RT works with X25 and ISDN (and even A) records is like this:

  1. Internet host A wants to send a packet to host B, which is not connected to the Internet.

  2. Host A looks up host B's RT records. This search also returns all address records (A, X25, and ISDN) for each intermediate host.

  3. Host A sorts the list of intermediate hosts and looks for its own domain name. If it finds it, the host removes its name and all intermediate hosts at higher preference values. This is analogous to sendmail 's "paring down" a list of mail exchangers.

  4. Host A examines the address record(s) for the most preferred intermediate host that remains. If host A is attached to a network that corresponds to the type of address record indicated, it uses that network to send the packet to the intermediate host. For example, if host A were trying to send a packet through, it would need connectivity to an X.25 network.

  5. If host A lacks appropriate connectivity, it tries the next intermediate host specified by the RT records. For example, if host A lacked X.25 connectivity, it might fall back to connecting via ISDN to

This process continues until the packet is routed to the most preferred intermediate host. The most preferred intermediate host may then deliver the packet directly to the destination host's address (which may be A, X25, or ISDN).

16.6.4 Location

RFC 1876 defines an experimental record type, LOC, that allows domain administrators to encode the locations of their computers, subnets, and networks. In this case, location means latitude, longitude, and altitude. Future applications could use this information to produce network maps, assess routing efficiency, and more.

In its basic form, the LOC record takes latitude, longitude, and altitude (in that order) as its record-specific data. Latitude and longitude are expressed in the format:

<degrees> [minutes [seconds.<fractional seconds>]] (N|S|E|W)

Altitude is expressed in meters.

If you're wondering how in the world you're going to get that data, check out "RFC 1876 Resources" at This site, created by Christopher Davis, one of the authors of RFC 1876, is an indispensable collection of information, useful links, and utilities for people creating LOC records.

If you don't have your own Global Positioning System receiver to carry around to all of your computers—and we know many of you do—two sites that may come in handy are Etak's Eagle Geocoder at, which you can use to find the latitude and longitude of most addresses in the United States, and AirNav's Airport Information at, which lets you find the elevation of the closest airport to you. If you don't have a major airport near you, don't worry: the database even includes the helipad at my neighborhood hospital!

Here's a LOC record for one of our hosts:  IN  LOC  40 2 0.373 N 105 17 23.528 W 1638m

Optional fields in the record-specific data allow you to specify how large the entity you're describing is, in meters (LOC records can describe networks, after all, which can be quite large), as well as the horizontal and vertical precision. The size defaults to one meter, which is perfect for a single host. Horizontal precision defaults to 10,000 meters, and vertical precision to 10 meters. These defaults represent the size of a typical ZIP or postal code, the idea being that you can fairly easily find a latitude and longitude given a ZIP code.

You can also attach LOC records to the names of subnets and networks. If you've taken the time to enter information about the names and addresses of your networks in the format described in RFC 1101 (covered earlier in this chapter), you can attach LOC records to the network names:

; Map HP's network name to
;   IN   PTR
                 IN   LOC 37 24 55.393 N 122 8 37 W 26m

16.6.5 SRV

Locating a service or a particular type of server within a zone is a difficult problem if you don't know which host it runs on. Some zone administrators have attempted to solve this problem by using service-specific aliases in their zones. For example, at Movie U. we created the alias and pointed it to the domain name of the host that runs our FTP archive:      IN    CNAME 

This makes it easy for people to guess a domain name that will get them to our FTP archive, and separates the domain name people use to access the archive from the domain name of the host it runs on. If we were to move the archive to a different host, we could simply change the CNAME record.

The experimental SRV record, introduced in RFC 2052, is a general mechanism for locating services. SRV also provides powerful features that allow zone administrators to distribute load and provide backup services, similar to what the MX record provides.

A unique aspect of the SRV record is the format of the domain name it's attached to. Like service-specific aliases, the domain name to which an SRV record is attached gives the name of the service sought, as well as the protocol it runs over, concatenated with a domain name. The labels representing the service name and the protocol begin with an underscore to distinguish them from labels in the domain name of a host. So, for example:

represents the SRV records someone FTPing to should retrieve in order to find the FTP servers, while:

represents the SRV records someone accessing the URL look up in order to find the servers.

The names of the service and protocol should appear in the latest Assigned Numbers RFC (the most recent as of this writing is RFC 1700) or be unique names used only locally. Don't use the port or protocol numbers, just the names.

The SRV record has four resource record-specific fields: priority, weight, port, and target. Priority, weight, and port are unsigned 16-bit numbers (between and 65535). Target is a domain name.

Priority works very similarly to the preference in an MX record: the lower the number in the priority field, the more desirable the associated target. When searching for hosts offering a given service, clients should try targets at the same priority before trying those at a higher priority value.

Weight allows zone administrators to distribute load to multiple targets. Clients should query targets that are at the same priority in proportion to their weight. For example, if one target has a priority of zero and a weight of one, and another target also has a priority of zero but a weight of two, the second target should receive twice as much load (in queries, connections, whatever) as the first. It's up to the service's clients to direct that load: they typically use a system call to choose a random number. If the number is, say, in the top one-third of the range, they try the first target, and if the number is in the bottom two-thirds of the range, they try the second target.

Port specifies the port on which the service being sought is running. This allows zone administrators to run servers on nonstandard ports. For example, an administrator could use SRV records to point web browsers at a web server running on port 8000 instead of the standard HTTP port (80).

Target, finally, specifies the domain name of a host on which the service is running (on the port specified in the port field). Target must be the canonical name of the host (not an alias), with address records attached to it.

So, for the FTP server, we added these records to  IN  SRV  1  0  21
                      IN  SRV  2  0  21

This instructs SRV-capable FTP clients to try the FTP server on's port 21 first when accessing's FTP service, and then to try the FTP server on's port 21 if's FTP server isn't available.

The records:  IN  SRV  0  2  80
                           IN  SRV  0  1  80
                           IN  SRV  1  1  8000

direct web queries for web site) to port 80 on (the host) and, with getting twice the queries that does. If neither is available, the queries will go to on port 8000.

To advertise that a particular service isn't available, use a dot in the target field:  IN  SRV  0  0  0  .

Unfortunately, support for the SRV record among clients is, to put it mildly, thin—with Windows 2000 being the glaring exception. (More about that later in this chapter.) That's really too bad, given how useful SRV could be. Since SRV isn't widely supported, don't use SRV records in lieu of address records. It's prudent to include at least one address record for the "base" domain name to which your SRV records are attached, and more if you'd like the load spread between addresses. If you only list a host as a backup in the SRV records, don't include its IP address. Also, if a host runs a service on a nonstandard port, don't include an address record for it since there's no way to redirect clients to a nonstandard port with an A record.

So, for, we included all these records:  IN  SRV  0  2  80
                           IN  SRV  0  1  80
                           IN  SRV  1  1  8000             IN  A ; the address of and
                           IN  A ; the address of
                                              ; for the benefit of non-SRV aware
                                              ; clients

Browsers that can handle SRV records will send twice as many requests to as to, and will use if both of the main web servers are unavailable. Browsers that don't use SRV records will have their requests round-robined between the addresses of and

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