10.7 Managing the Transition to Subdomains
won't lie to you�the
fx.movie.edu example we showed you was
unrealistic for several reasons. The main one is the magical
appearance of the special-effects lab's hosts. In
the real world, the lab would have started out with a few hosts,
probably in the movie.edu zone. After a generous
endowment, an NSF grant, or a corporate gift, they might expand the
lab a little and buy a few more computers. Sooner or later, the lab
would have enough hosts to warrant the creation of a new subdomain.
By that point, however, many of the original hosts would be well
known by their names under movie.edu.
We briefly touched on using CNAME
records in the parent zone (in our
plan9.movie.edu example) to help people adjust
to a host's change of domain. But what happens when
you move a whole network or subnet into a new subdomain?
The strategy we recommend uses CNAME records in much the same way,
but on a larger scale. Using the DNS console, you can create CNAMEs
for hosts. This allows users to continue using the old domain names
for any of the hosts that have moved. When they
telnet or ftp (or whatever)
to those hosts, however, the command will report that
they're connected to a host in
C:\> telnet plan9
Trying . . .
Connected to plan9.fx.movie.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.
HP-UX plan9.fx.movie.edu A.09.05 C 9000/735 (ttyu1)
Some users, of course, don't notice subtle changes
like this, so you should also do some public relations work and
notify folks of the change.
How do you create all these aliases? Well, you could do it manually
using the DNS console, CNAME record by CNAME record. Or you could use
a Perl script to create CNAME records for every host in
# Simple Perl script to create aliases
# Run with <script> <domain name of child zone>
die "Usage: $0 <child zone>\n" if $#ARGV!=0;
open(ZDF, "$ARGV[0].dns") || die "Couldn't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
($label, $parent) = split(/\./, $ARGV[0], 2);
$parent .= ".dns";
open(PZDF, ">>$parent") || die "Couldn't open $parent: $!\n";
while (<ZDF>) {
if (/\s+IN\s+A\s+/) {
($host, $rest) = split(/[\s\.]/, $_, 2);
printf PZDF "%s IN CNAME %s.%s.\n", $host, $host, $ARGV[0];
10.7.1 Removing Parent Aliases
Although parent-level aliases are
useful for minimizing the impact of moving your hosts,
they're also a crutch of sorts. Like a crutch,
they'll restrict your freedom.
They'll clutter up your parent namespace when one of
your motivations for implementing a subdomain may have been making
the parent zone smaller. And they'll prevent you
from using the names of hosts in the subdomain as names for hosts in
the parent zone.
After a grace period�which should be well advertised to
users�you should remove all the aliases, with the possible
exception of aliases for extremely well-known Internet hosts. During
the grace period, users can adjust to the new domain names and modify
scripts and the like. But don't get suckered into
leaving all those aliases in the parent zone; they defeat part of the
purpose of DNS because they prevent you and your subdomain
administrator from naming hosts autonomously.
You might want to leave CNAME records for well-known Internet hosts
or central network resources intact because of the potential impact
of a loss of connectivity. On the other hand, rather than moving the
well-known host or central resource into a subdomain at all, it
might be
better to leave it at the parent zone level.