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17.5 Timeline Operation Summary

Table 17-2 summarizes the timeline-related commands.

Table 17-2. Timeline operations



Open the Timelines panel

Window figs/U2192.gif Timelines (Shift+F9)

Add a keyframe

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Keyframe (F6)

Remove a keyframe

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Keyframe (Shift+F6)

Delete a frame

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Frame

Add a frame

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Frame

Add a behavior

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Behavior to Timeline

Record animation in real time

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Record Path of Layer

Add an object to a timeline

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Object to Timeline

Use a different object with an animation sequence

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Change Object

Delete an object (animation bar)

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Object

Delete an animation channel from a timeline

Select it in the Timelines panel and press the Delete key

Change a timeline's frame rate

Use the Fps field in the Timelines panel

Switch between timelines

Use the Timelines pop-up menu in the Timelines panel

Create a new timeline

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Timeline

Delete an entire timeline

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Timeline

Rename a timeline

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Rename Timeline

Delete frame behaviors in the Behaviors channel

Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Behavior

Play a timeline

Enable the Autoplay checkbox or apply the Timeline figs/U2192.gif Play Timeline behavior

Stop a timeline

Apply Timeline figs/U2192.gif Stop Timeline behavior

Jump to a specific frame in a timeline

Apply Timeline figs/U2192.gif Go To Timeline behavior (also see the Loop checkbox)

Preview an animation in Dreamweaver

Use the Rewind, Back, and Play buttons in the Timelines panel

Preview an animation in browser

File figs/U2192.gif Preview in Browser (F12)

This part of the book covered how to apply and use behaviors to add dynamic features and interactivity to your web pages. The next part discusses how to extend Dreamweaver by adding new behaviors, altering menus and shortcut keys, and adjusting Dreamweaver's preferences.

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