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17.3 Adding Behaviors to Timelines

In Chapter 14, we covered the behaviors that manipulate layers (namely Drag Layer and Set Text of Layer). You can add other behaviors to a timeline, such as the Set Text of Status Bar behavior, which displays a message in the browser status bar, or the Show-Hide Layers behavior, which (surprise!) shows and hides layers.

Behaviors are added in the Timelines panel's Behaviors channel, indicated by the letter B in Figure 17-5.

Figure 17-5. A behavior in the Timelines panel

To add a behavior to a timeline, click a frame in the Behaviors channel of the Timelines panel and choose a behavior from the Behaviors panel's Add Behavior (+) pop-up menu. (You can also use Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Add Behavior to Timeline, which opens the Behaviors panel for you). Timeline behaviors can be added in any frame of the timeline (in either keyframes or tween frames).

You can associate multiple behaviors with the same frame of a timeline. Behaviors are applied in the Timelines panel's Behaviors channel, not to the animation channels. They can be used to trigger actions at specific times without user interaction, even if you're not performing animations.

Attaching a behavior to a timeline adds the same JavaScript code that is added when attaching the behavior to other objects. The primary difference is that timeline events are always triggered when a particular frame is reached (for example, the event might be onFrame15). If you place a behavior in the wrong frame, simply drag it to a different frame of the Behaviors channel.

You must deselect the Behaviors channel in the timeline before you can apply a behavior to another element on the page. Click a timeline animation channel to deselect the Behaviors channel.

To delete all behaviors attached to a frame, click the frame in the Behaviors channel of the Timelines panel and choose Modify figs/U2192.gif Timeline figs/U2192.gif Remove Behavior. To delete a single behavior when more than one is attached to the same frame, use the Remove Behavior (-) button in the Behaviors panel.

17.3.1 Show-Hide Layers Behavior

The most common behavior you'll use in a timeline is, not surprisingly, one that controls layer visibility. Applying the Show-Hide Layers behavior, using the Add Behavior (+) pop-up menu in the Behaviors panel, opens the Show-Hide Layers dialog box shown in Figure 17-6.

Figure 17-6. The Show-Hide Layers dialog box

The Show-Hide Layers dialog box lists all layers in the current document, not just those added to a timeline. The dialog box does not list images. To hide an image, insert it into a layer and then hide the layer. As seen in Figure 17-6, use the Show and Hide buttons to show or hide each layer. You can also leave layers at their default (current) setting. Add this behavior in the Behaviors channel of a timeline in the frame you want the change to occur. This same behavior can be attached to an HTML element, such as an image acting as a button, to show or hide layers under user control. It can be applied to the <body> tag to show or hide layers when the document loads.

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