18.10 Layers Preferences
The Preferences dialog box's
Layers category controls the default
settings for newly created layers. See Chapter 4
for details on these options, which can be changed in the Property
inspector when a layer is selected.
- Tag
Specifies the HTML tag—SPAN, DIV, LAYER, ILAYER—used to
create layers. Use DIV (the default).
- Visibility
Specifies the visibility—default, inherit, visible, or
hidden—of newly created layers. Use visible (the default) in
most cases.
- Width
Sets the width of your layers created using Insert Layer
(ignored if you draw the layer using the Draw Layer tool in the
Objects panel's Common category).
- Height
Sets the height of the layers created using Insert Layer
(ignored if you draw the layer using the Draw Layer tool in the
Objects panel's Common category).
- Background Color
Sets the default background color for layers.
- Background Image
Sets the default background image for layers.
- Nest when Created Within a Layer
Allows the creation of nested layers (which are not well-supported in
Netscape), such as
- Netscape 4 Compatibility: Add Resize Fix when Inserting Layer
Automatically inserts the MM_reloadPage function
when a layer is added to a document. This function resizes layers in
NN4 when the document window is resized. Also see Commands
Add/Remove Netscape Resize Fix.