18.16 Status Bar Preferences
The Preferences dialog box's Status Bar category configures the
Document window's status bar. (Select Edit Sizes from the
Window Size Selector pop-up menu in
the status bar to quickly access these preferences.)
- Window Sizes
A list of available window sizes, useful for checking your
page's appearance at various screen resolutions. Add to this
list by using the Tab and Enter keys to create additional lines. The
list appears in the Window Size Selector pop-up menu in the status
bar, as discussed in Chapter 1.
- Connection Speed
Specifies the connection speed used to calculate the estimated
download time for a page, visible in the Document window's
status bar. The options range from 14.4 Kbps (very slow) to 1500 Kbps
(very fast DSL or T1 speeds). The default is 28.8 Kbps, but most
users have at least 56 Kbps connections. The 64 and 128 Kbps settings
represent single-channel and dual-channel ISDN connections,
Bear in mind that 56 Kbps (kilobits per second) is equivalent to 7
KB/sec (kilobytes per second) and the effective throughput is often
half the theoretical speed. Therefore, set the Connection Speed to
28.8 or 33.6 Kbps to approximate the realistic download time for 56
Kbps modems.
- Show Launcher in Status Bar
If enabled, the icons for the panels shown in the Launcher are also
shown in the Mini-launcher at the right of the status bar. Contents
of the Mini-launcher can be set under Edit Preferences
Panels Show in Launcher.
The next chapter shows how to modify the Objects panels, Dreamweaver
menus, and keyboard shortcuts.