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2.1 Head Elements

This section covers the tools that ensure proper usage of HTML elements within your document's <head> block. Dreamweaver 4 provides easy access to the <title>, description, and keywords elements (which provide information for search engines), and the <meta>, <base>, and <link> elements (which provide instructions to client and server software that interacts with your document).

Prior to Version 4, Dreamweaver showed <head> tags in Code view only. As of DW4, head content can be accessed using the Head Content bar, shown in Figure 2-1, in Design view or Code and Design view. The Head Content bar is opened using View figs/U2192.gif Head Content, Ctrl+Shift+W (Windows), or Cmd+Shift+W (Macintosh). In Code view, the Head Content bar isn't available, but you can still hand-edit the <head> tags.

Figure 2-1. The Head Content bar

To edit the attributes of a head element in the Property inspector, double-click the element's icon in the Head Content bar. To delete an extraneous head element, select its icon from the Head Content bar and press the Delete key (or hand-edit the HTML in Code view).

The <head> tags and their attributes are discussed in the following sections. Comment tags are discussed later in this chapter under Section 2.7.

2.1.1 Title Tag

The <title> element's text is displayed in a web browser's title bar and is used as the default filename when saving the document to disk. Search engines also use the title to index your page.

The <title> element can be set in the Page Properties dialog box (Modify figs/U2192.gif Page Properties) or in the Property inspector (accessed via the Head Content bar's Title icon).

Use Edit figs/U2192.gif Find and Replace, Ctrl+F (Windows), or Cmd+F (Macintosh) to retitle documents that use the default title ("Untitled Document"). You can generate a list of untitled documents using Site figs/U2192.gif Reports figs/U2192.gif HTML Reports figs/U2192.gif Untitled Documents.

2.1.2 Meta Tags

Dreamweaver can create four types of <meta> tags—content, keywords, description, and refresh—without hand-coding. (In Code view, you can create any <meta> element data you like.)

All <meta> elements follow the general format:

  <meta name="label" content="content associated with label">
  <meta http-equiv="instruction-name" content="instructions">

Do not treat the name and http-equiv attributes interchangeably. Use the http-equiv attribute, which is more widely read by both browsers and servers, to identify document languages and provide instructions for documents displayed using HTTP response message headers. Use the name attribute to provide information such as keywords and document descriptions, as shown in the following example:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="testing web site construction"> Content attribute

Dreamweaver automatically adds a <meta> element that identifies the content type (usually text/html) and the character set (usually iso-8859-1) to each HTML document.

The <meta> element shown in Figure 2-2 would appear in your HTML document as follows:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
Figure 2-2. The Property inspector for the Meta element

You can insert additional <meta> elements using Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Meta, which opens the Insert Meta dialog box. In the dialog box, select the attribute type (either name or http-equiv), specify the attribute's value (such as Content-Type), and specify the attribute's content (such as text/html; charset=iso-8859-1). Each <meta> element can be edited in the Property inspector (accessed by double-clicking the corresponding icon in the Head Content bar). Keywords attribute

The keywords element (<meta name="keywords">) provides a list of keywords that can be indexed by search engines (about 90 percent of web hits are generated from major search sites).

Use the Insert Keywords dialog box (Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Keywords) to enter a comma-delimited list of words and short phrases that describe the contents of your document.

The keywords element in the <head> portion of your HTML document might appear as follows:

<meta name="keywords" content="ranch raised horses, roping horses,
rope horses, rodeo horses, barrel racing, team roping, bull dogging">

Modify existing keywords using the Property inspector (accessed via the Keywords icon in the Head Content bar) or by hand-editing the HTML.

To modify existing keywords, do not reselect Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Keywords, as it would create a second keywords element.

Search engines often ignore secondary keywords elements. Worse, the secondary elements might be interpreted as trying to influence your search position unfairly, which would cause search services to remove your HTML document from the search results entirely. Delete an extraneous keywords element by deleting its icon from the Head Content bar (or by hand-editing the HTML). Description attribute

Search engines use the description element (<meta name="description">) to determine a document's relevancy. However, unlike the keywords element, which is never displayed, the description element should provide a description that search engines can display along with the URLs found during a search.

Not all search engines will use your description on their search results page. Include a similar title-like statement at the start of your page's body text so that a search engine can use whichever it prefers.

Use the Insert Description dialog box (Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Description) to enter a succinct sentence, containing as many of your keywords as possible, that describes your HTML document. Descriptions do not need to be grammatically correct, but they should express the primary point of the document. Most search engines index only the first 256 characters of the description.

The description element in the <head> portion of your HTML document might appear as follows:

<meta name="Description" content="Clymo Quarter Horses - 
foundation, ranch raised, rodeo, rope and arena horses." >

Modify existing description elements using the Property inspector (accessed via the Description icon in the Head Content bar) or by hand-editing the HTML.

To modify an existing description, do not reselect Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Description, as doing so would create a second description element. This second element would either be ignored by search engines or confuse them, so the entire page would be ignored.

Delete an extraneous description element by deleting its icon from the Head Content bar (or by hand-editing the HTML). Refresh attribute

A refresh element will redirect a web browser to a new URL or refresh the current document after the specified delay. A refresh element is useful if an HTML page moves (to accommodate visitors with outdated bookmarks). It is also used to periodically refresh a page with updated data, such as stock quotes.

To add a refresh element, open the Insert Refresh dialog box (Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Refresh), as seen in Figure 2-3. Specify the delay in seconds and choose whether to load a new document or reload the current one.

Figure 2-3. The Insert Refresh dialog box

Use the Refresh icon in the Head Content bar to modify an existing refresh tag. Reselecting Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Refresh adds a second refresh tag to your document, leading to unpredictable results.

To go to another URL immediately, specify 0 for the Delay (specify a longer delay to allow a user to read the current page before loading a new page).

Specifying a 15-second delay after which about.htm should be loaded creates the following <meta> tag:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15;URL=about.htm">

Specifying that the current document should refresh after 60 seconds creates the following <meta> tag.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">

Avoid refreshing the current page more than every 30 seconds.

2.1.3 Base Tag

The optional <base> tag defines the base folder (reference point) from which all document-relative links in a document should be interpreted. For example, the following <base> tag causes any document-relative URL to be resolved relative to

<base target=_blank href="">

Based on this information, a link that referenced rainy.htm would load the document The target=_blank attribute opens the document in a new blank window (target defaults to _self). See Section 4.1.3 in Chapter 4 for details on the target attribute. In the absence of the <base> tag, document-relative URLs are resolved relative to the folder containing the current web page.

To insert a <base> tag, use the Insert Base dialog box (Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Base). Specify a reference point in the Href field, which can be either an absolute URL, such as, or a directory, such as stallions/. Specify the http:// prefix only when using an absolute reference (see Table 2-3).

Use the Base icon in the Head Content bar to adjust an existing <base> tag. Reselecting Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Base will add a second <base> tag to your document, which is erroneous and noncompliant.

Delete an extraneous <base> tag by deleting its icon from the Head Content bar (or by hand-editing the HTML).

2.1.4 Link Tag

A <link> tag refers to another document, such as a cascading stylesheet or a document in a different language. It should not be confused with <a> tags, which are used to create hyperlinks.

Use the Insert Link dialog box (Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Link), as shown in Figure 2-4, to insert a <link> tag. Unlike the tags discussed earlier, a document can have multiple <link> tags (each new <link> tag is represented by a separate icon in the Head Content bar).

Figure 2-4. The Insert Link dialog box

Specify the fields for your <link> tag, as described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. The <link> tag attribute values




The URL of the document to be linked.


The title (name) of the document being linked.


An identifier for the link, which can be used by scripts or other applications to reference the document.


The relationship when moving from the current document to the target (i.e., next would indicate that the target document is the next in a series of pages).


The relationship when moving from the target document to the current document ( i.e., if Rel was next, then Rev would be prev).

The Rel and Rev attributes use the following keywords to define the relationship between the two documents:


A substitute document, often in a different language or media type. For example, it may be a GIF image in lieu of a Flash movie or a French translation of an English page.


An external stylesheet (typically a .css file).


The first in a series of documents (used by search engines).


The next document in a series of documents.


The previous document in a series of documents.


The table of contents.


One chapter in a collection of documents.


One section within a chapter.


One subsection within a section of a document.


A document containing the copyright statement for the current document.


An index for the current document.


A glossary of terms for the current document.


An appendix for a collection of documents.


Help documentation for the current document or for a collection of documents.


A link to a key point of entry within another document.

For example, to link to a cascading stylesheet, you can set the Href to point to the .css file and set Rel to stylesheet. Of course, there are easier ways to create <link> tags for external stylesheets, as described in Chapter 10.

Selecting Insert figs/U2192.gif Head Tags figs/U2192.gif Link inserts a new, separate <link> tag in your document. To edit an existing <link> in the Property inspector, double-click its Link icon in the Head Content bar.

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