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21.4 PHP Tags

PHP is another server-side scripting language that delivers HTML pages to the user's browser. For an overview of PHP, see

For more information on PHP see PHP Pocket Reference by Rasmus Lerdorf (O'Reilly). Also see Webmaster in a Nutshell by Stephen Spainhour and Robert Eckstein (O'Reilly).

PHP files have a .php, .php3 or .php4 extension. Blocks of PHP code start with <? and end with ?>. Therefore, the PHP.xml file includes the following <tagspec> element that identifies PHP code as string-delimited:

<tagspec tag_name="php" detect_in_attribute="true"
  start_string="<?" end_string="?>"
  icon="PHP.gif" icon_width="17" icon_height="15">
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