[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Back button (timeline frames) 
Background category 
background colors  [See colors/background colors]2nd  [See colors/background colors]
background images  2nd 
backward slash (\\\\) in folder pathname on Macintosh  2nd 
balloon icon 
Banner Image Builder dialog box 
Banner Image Builder extension 
base folder 
BBEdit code editor 
    browser configuration 
    CourseBuilder interactions and 
    images and 
    inserting, CourseBuilder interactions and 
    JavaScript and 
    layers and 
    library items, creating with 
    links and 
    multimedia and 
    navigation bars and 
    objects and 
    text and 
    timelines and 
    tracking, CourseBuilder interactions and 
Behaviors channel 
Behaviors icon 
Behaviors panel 
    browser configuration behaviors and 
    Drag Layer behavior and 
    Set Text of Layer behavior and 
Block category 
Border category 
    for browsers 
    CSS Border category and 
    for frames 
    for framesets 
    nested framesets and 
Box category 
broken links 
    displayed in red 
    web site planning and 
    animations and 
    border settings and 
    checking compatibility and 
    configuration behaviors for 
    CourseBuilder interactive compatibility and 
    CSS Extensions category and 
    default behaviors and 
    events and 
    extensions and 
    external resources and 
    layers and  2nd  3rd 
        layers and 
        Layout view and 
        nested framesets and 
    preferences for 
    previewing HTML documents in 
        preferences for 
    special characters and 
    support for CSS and 
    timelines and  2nd 
    viewing Shockwave objects in 
    web site planning and 
Browsers extension category 
built-in behaviors 
bulleted lists 
bullets, CSS List category and 
Button interactions 
    attaching sound behavior to 
    image fields and 
    images acting as 
    Swap Image behavior and