[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

  [See comments]
    vs. tag 
"Put your name here" 
# pound sign 
& ampersand  [See ampersand]
  character entity 
() parentheses 
* asterisk  [See asterisk]
+ plus button  2nd 
+ plus icon  2nd 
- minus button 
- minus icon 
-> character 
. period 
.aam files 
.aif files 
.bmp files, saving site map as 
.cct files 
.cfm files 
.class files 
.css files  2nd 
    creating  2nd 
    location of 
    opening in Dreamweaver 
.dcr files 
.dir files 
.dwt files 
.dxr files 
.fla files 
.gif files 
    adding Design Notes to 
    creating with Generator 
.htm files, naming conventions and 
.html files
    adding Design Notes to 
    embedded stylesheets in 
    extensions and 
    for implementing menu options 
    naming conventions and 
.htpasswd file 
.jpe files 
.jpeg files
    adding Design Notes to 
    naming conventions and 
    saving site map as 
.jpg files 
    creating with Generator 
    naming conventions and 
.js files  [See also JavaScript]
    Add Behavior pop-up menu and 
    Code view and  2nd  3rd 
    extensions and 
    for implementing menu options 
.lbi files 
.lck files 
.mid files 
.mno files 
.mod files 
.mov files, creating with Generator 
.mp3 files 
.mxi files 
.mxp files, extensions and  2nd 
.pict files, saving site map as 
.png files
    creating with Generator 
    saving site map as 
.ra files 
.shtm files 
.shtml files 
.spl files  2nd 
.swa files 
.swf files  2nd 
    creating with Generator 
.swt files  2nd 
.vbs files 
.wav files 
/ forward slash  [See forward slash]
? question mark 
@font-face CSS rules 
@import directive  2nd 
[] square brackets 
\\\\ backward slash  [See backward slash]
_ underscore  [See underscore]
_notes folders 
{} curly brackets 
| vertical bar  [See vertical bar]
|| double vertical bars