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Password a text input field for sensitive data


JavaScript 1.0; enhanced in JavaScript 1.1

Inherits from/Overrides

Inherits from Input, HTMLElement



Password inherits properties from Input and HTMLElement and defines or overrides the following:


A read/write string that specifies the password entered by the user. It is the value sent over the Net when the form is submitted. The initial value of this property is specified by the value attribute of the <input> element that defined the Password object. Note that because of the sensitive nature of password input, security restrictions may protect the value property. In some browsers, the string returned when querying this property may not match the text entered by the user, and setting the property may have no effect on either the displayed value or the value submitted upon form submission.


Password inherits methods from Input and HTMLElement.

Event Handlers

Password inherits event handlers from Input and HTMLElement.

HTML Syntax

A Password element is created with a standard HTML <input> tag:

    type="password"      // Specifies that this is a Password element
    [ name="name" ]      // A name you can use later to refer to this element
                         // Specifies the name property
    [ value="default" ]  // The default value transmitted when the form is submitted
    [ size="integer" ]   // How many characters wide the element is


The Password element is a text input field intended for input of sensitive data, such as passwords. As the user types characters, only asterisks appear. This prevents bystanders from reading the input value over the user's shoulder. As a further security precaution, there are limitations on how JavaScript can read and write the value property of a Password element. See the Text and Input reference pages for more information.

See Also

Input, Text; HTMLInputElement in the DOM reference section

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