Synopsiswindow.captureEvents(eventmask) document.captureEvents(eventmask) layer.captureEvents(eventmask) Arguments
DescriptioncaptureEvents( ) is a method of the Window, Document, and Layer classes. Its purpose is the same for all three: in the Netscape 4 event model, captureEvents( ) specifies that all events of a given type or types occurring within the specified window, document, or layer should be passed to the window, document, or layer instead of to the object on which they actually occurred. The type of the events to be captured is specified by eventmask, a bitmask comprised of static constants defined by the Event class. See the "Event.TYPE" reference page for a full list of these bitmask constants. See AlsoEvent, Window.handleEvent( ), Window.releaseEvents( ), Window.routeEvent( ); Chapter 19; EventTarget.addEventListener( ) in the DOM reference section |