AvailabilityDOM Level 1 HTML SynopsisNode[] getElementsByName(String elementName); Arguments
ReturnsAn array (really a NodeList) of elements that have a name attribute of the specified value. If no such elements are found, the returned NodeList is empty and has a length of 0. DescriptionThis method searches an HTML document tree for Element nodes that have a name attribute of the specified value and returns a NodeList (which you can treat as an array) containing all matching elements. If there are no matching elements, a NodeList with length 0 is returned. Do not confuse this method with the Document.getElementById( ) method, which finds a single Element based on the unique value of an id attribute, or with the Document.getElementsByTagName( ) method, which returns a NodeList of elements with the specified tag name. See AlsoDocument.getElementById( ), Document.getElementsByTagName( ) |