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HTMLSelectElement a <select> element in an HTML form


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node figs/U2192.gif Element figs/U2192.gif HTMLElement figs/U2192.gif HTMLSelectElement


boolean disabled

If true, the <select> element is disabled and the user may not interact with it. Mirrors the disabled attribute.

readonly HTMLFormElement form

The <form> element that contains this one.

readonly long length

The number of <option> elements contained by this <select> element. Same as options.length.

boolean multiple

If true, the <select> element allows multiple options to be selected. Otherwise, the selections are mutually exclusive and only one may be selected at a time. Mirrors the multiple attribute.

String name

The name of this form element. Mirrors the name attribute.

readonly HTMLCollection options

An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLOptionElement objects that represent the <option> elements contained in this <select> element, in the order in which they appear.

long selectedIndex

The position of the selected option in the options array. If no options are selected, this property is -1. If multiple options are selected, this property returns the index of the first selected option.

long size

The number of options to display at once. If this property is 1, the <select> element will typically be displayed using a drop-down menu or list. If it is greater than 1, the <select> is typically displayed using a fixed-size list control, with a scrollbar if necessary. Mirrors the size attribute.

long tabIndex

The position of this element in the tabbing order. Mirrors the tabindex attribute.

readonly String type

If multiple is true, this property is "select-multiple". Otherwise, it is "select-one".


add( )

Inserts a new HTMLOptionElement into the options array, either by appending it at the end of the array or by inserting it before another specified option.

blur( )

Takes keyboard focus away.

focus( )

Transfers keyboard focus to this element.

remove( )

Removes the <option> element at the specified position.


This interface represents a <select> element in an HTML form. The options property provides convenient access to the set of <option> elements it contains, and the add( ) and remove( ) methods provide an easy way to modify the set of options.

See Also

HTMLFormElement, HTMLOptionElement; Option and Select objects in the client-side reference section; Chapter 15

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