MutationEvent.initMutationEvent( ) |
initialize the properties of a new
MutationEvent |
DOM Level 2 Events
void initMutationEvent(String typeArg,
boolean canBubbleArg,
boolean cancelableArg,
Node relatedNodeArg,
String prevValueArg,
String newValueArg,
String attrNameArg,
unsigned short attrChangeArg);
The various arguments to this method specify the initial values of
the properties of this MutationEvent object, including the properties
inherited from the Event interface. The name of each argument clearly
indicates the property for which it specifies the value, so the
arguments are not listed individually here.
This method initializes the various properties of a newly created
MutationEvent object. It may be called only on a MutationEvent object
created with Document.createEvent( ) and only
before that MouseEvent is passed to
EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ).