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CSSPrimitiveValue a single CSS style value


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSValue figs/U2192.gif CSSPrimitiveValue


The following constants are the legal values for the primitiveType property. They specify the type of the value and, for numeric values, the units in which the value is represented.

unsigned short CSS_UNKNOWN = 0

The value is not recognized, and the implementation does not know how to parse it. The textual representation of the value is available through the cssText property.

unsigned short CSS_NUMBER = 1

A unitless number. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PERCENTAGE = 2

A percentage. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_EMS = 3

A relative length measured in ems (the height of the current font). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_EXS = 4

A relative length measured in exs (the "x-height" of the current font). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PX = 5

A length measured in pixels. Query with getFloatValue( ). Pixel lengths are relative measurements, in the sense that their size depends on the display resolution, and they cannot be converted to inches, millimeters, points, or other absolute lengths. However, pixels are also one of the most commonly used units, and they are treated as absolute values for the purposes of AbstractView.getComputedStyle( ), for example.

unsigned short CSS_CM = 6

An absolute length measured in centimeters. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_MM = 7

An absolute length measured in millimeters. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_IN = 8

An absolute length measured in inches. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PT = 9

An absolute length measured in points (1/72 of an inch). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PC = 10

An absolute length measured in picas (12 points). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_DEG = 11

An angle measured in degrees. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RAD = 12

An angle measured in radians. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_GRAD = 13

An angle measured in grads. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_MS = 14

A time measured in milliseconds. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_S = 15

A time measured in seconds. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_HZ = 16

A frequency measured in hertz. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_KHZ = 17

A frequency measured in kilohertz. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_DIMENSION = 18

A unitless dimension. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_STRING = 19

A string. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_URI = 20

A URI. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_IDENT = 21

An identifier. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_ATTR = 22

An attribute function. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_COUNTER = 23

A counter. Query with getCounterValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RECT = 24

A rectangle. Query with getRectValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RGBCOLOR = 25

A color. Query with getRGBColorValue( ).


readonly unsigned short primitiveType

The type of this value. This property holds one of the constants defined in the previous section.


getCounterValue( )

For values of type CSS_COUNTER, returns the Counter object that represents the value.

getFloatValue( )

Returns a numeric value, converting it, if necessary, to the specified units.

getRectValue( )

For values of type CSS_RECT, returns the Rect object that represents the value.

getRGBColorValue( )

For values of type CSS_RGBCOLOR, returns the RGBColor object that represents the value.

getStringValue( )

Returns the value as a string.

setFloatValue( )

Sets a numeric value to the specified number of the specified units.

setStringValue( )

Sets a string value to the specified string of the specified type.


This subinterface of CSSValue represents a single CSS value. Contrast it with the CSSValueList interface, which represents a list of CSS values. The word "primitive" in the name of this interface is misleading; this interface can represent some complex types of CSS values, such as counters, rectangles, and colors.

The primitiveType property holds one of the previously defined constants and specifies the type of the value. The various methods defined by this interface allow you to query values of various types and also to set numeric and string values.

See Also

Counter, CSSValue, CSSValueList, Rect, RGBColor

Type of,,, Rect.bottom, Rect.left, Rect.right,

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