UIEvent |
details about user interface
events |
DOM Level 2 Events
Inherits from/Overrides
Event UIEvent
- readonly long detail
A numeric
detail about the event. For click, mousedown, and mouseup events (see
"MouseEvent"), this field is the click count: 1 for a
single-click, 2 for a double-click, 3 for a triple-click, and so on.
For DOMActivate events, this field is 1 for a normal activation or 2
for a "hyperactivation," such as a double-click or
Shift-Enter combination.
- readonly AbstractView view
The window
(the "view") in which the event was generated.
- initUIEvent( )
Initializes the properties of a newly created UIEvent object,
including the properties inherited from the Event interface.
The UIEvent interface is a subinterface of Event and defines the type
of Event object passed to events of type DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, and
DOMActivate. These event types are not commonly used in web browsers,
and what is more important about the UIEvent interface is that it is
the parent interface of MouseEvent.
See Also
Event, MouseEvent; Chapter 19