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CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty( ) set a CSS style attribute


DOM Level 2 CSS


void setProperty(String propertyName,
                 String value, 
                 String  priority) 
    throws DOMException;



The name of the CSS attribute to set.


The new value of the attribute, as a string.


The new priority of the attribute. This argument should be "important" if the attribute specification is !important; otherwise, it should be the empty string.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR if the specified value argument is malformed. It throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the style declaration or the attribute being set is read-only.


This method adds the named CSS attribute with its value and priority to this style declaration, or, if the declaration already contains a value for the named attribute, it simply sets the value and priority for that existing attribute.

Using setProperty( ) to add a new CSS attribute to a style declaration may insert the new attribute at any position and may, in fact, totally shuffle the order of all existing attributes. Therefore, you should not use setProperty( ) while you are iterating through the set of attribute names with the item( ) method.

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