12.5 Managing Fields During Lifecycle Events
While a persistent instance is in memory, it transitions through
certain lifecycle events, as we described in Chapter 11. You may want to execute some functionality
when these events occur. For example, if you have a persistent class
with nonpersistent fields, you may want to initialize the values of
the fields when instances from the datastore are instantiated in
memory. This is enabled in JDO by a mechanism called an
instance callback.
JDO defines the
interface to support instance callbacks. This interface has four
methods, each of which is called when a particular lifecycle event
occurs. If you declare that a persistent class implements the
InstanceCallbacks interface, the following methods
must be defined and are called when their associated lifecyle event
- void jdoPostLoad( )
Called for an instance after the values have been loaded into its
default fetch group fields. This occurs when the instances transition
from hollow to persistent-clean or persistent-dirty. In this method,
you should initialize nonpersistent fields that depend on fields in
the default fetch group. Another use for this method is to register
it with other objects in the runtime environment.
The enhancer does not add field mediation code to this method; so,
you should access only fields in the default fetch group, since you
are not guaranteed that the other fields have been fetched. The
context in which jdoPostLoad( ) is called does not
allow access to other persistent instances.
- void jdoPreStore( )
Called before the field values of persistent-new and persistent-dirty
instances are flushed to the datastore during commit or to perform a
query in the datastore server. It is not called for instances being
deleted, which are in the persistent-deleted or
persistent-new-deleted state. If you want the stored value for a
persistent field to be based on the value of another field that is
not persistent, you should set the persistent
field's value in this method. The enhancer modifies
this method so that the changes you make to persistent fields are
propagated to the datastore. You can also access the
instance's PersistenceManager and
other persistent instances in the method.
- void jdoPreClear( )
Called before an instance's persistent fields are
cleared (set to their Java default value). This occurs during commit
when persistent-new, persistent-clean, and persistent-dirty instances
transition to the hollow state. In this method, you should clear
nonpersistent fields, nontransactional fields, and associations that
exist between the instance and other objects in the runtime
environment. The enhancer does not add the field-mediation code to this method,
and you can access only transient, transactional, and default fetch
group fields.
- void jdoPreDelete( )
Called during the execution of
) for an instance, before the state of the instance
transitions to persistent-deleted or persistent-new-deleted. The
enhancer adds the field-mediation code to this method, so you can
access all the fields. But once this method completes, you can no
longer access the fields. In Chapter 8, we
described the use of this method to implement a composite-aggregation
association, which would propagate the deletion to
existence-dependent instances. This is also referred to as a
cascading delete.
You can use jdoPostLoad( ) and
jdoPreClear( ) in concert to establish and remove
relationships between your persistent instances and transient
instances in the application environment as the persistent instances
enter and leave the cache. The jdoPostLoad( )
method could initialize a transient field to some transient instance
in the application, which could also reference the persistent
instance. In jdoPreClear( ), you could remove the
reference to the persistent instance held by the transient instance.