13.2 Cloning
If you make a clone of
a persistent instance, the clone is a separate transient instance.
The clone does not have a JDO identity and it is not associated with
the PersistenceManager of the instance that was
cloned. The clone is a shallow copy of the original instance, without
regard for the persistent fields. Therefore, the fields might not
have been fetched from the datastore yet, causing you to get a
null for fields that are references, including
types like Integer and references to other
persistent instances. Normally, the fields in the default fetch group
have been fetched from the datastore, but not always. You should
therefore call retrieve(
to make sure the field values have been fetched from the datastore.
Another issue to consider is that the persistent instance may have
references to other persistent instances. For example, a
RentalItem has a reference to a
MediaItem. If we retrieve all the fields of a
RentalItem instance and then create a clone of it,
the clone will have a reference to the MediaItem,
but this clone is transient and does not really have a relationship
with the MediaItem instance. JDO has a
well-defined behavior that allows implementations to create a clone
of a persistent instance properly, but we recommend that you do not
clone persistent instances.