9.4 Query Namespaces
Two namespaces exist in JDOQL queries; they contain:
Parameters and variables are given a name and type when they are
declared. The types of the parameters and variables are placed in the
first namespace; the parameter and variable names are placed in the
latter namespace.
9.4.1 Type Names
When a type name is used (e.g., in a parameter or variable
declaration), it must be one of the following:
The name of the candidate class The name of a class or interface declared in the
java.lang package The name of a class or interface imported by a call to
) The name of a class or interface in the same package as the candidate
class A name imported by a type-import-on-demand declaration, as in
"import <package>.*;"
The type
namespace automatically includes the name of the candidate class and
the names of other classes in the same package. It also automatically
includes the names of the public types declared in the
java.lang package, just as if there had been a
type-import-on-demand declaration (import
You must include any additional types names necessary for the types
of parameters and variables. You import the types into a
Query instance by calling the following
Query method:
void declareImports(String imports);
The String parameter imports
contains one or more import statements, separated by a semicolon. The
syntax of the parameter is identical to Java's
import statements. All imports must be declared in
the same call to declareImports( ).
For example, we may have a query that accesses the
Transaction instances associated with a
Customer, returning those with an
acquisitionDate field that is greater than a
specific Date value. This query would have a
Transaction variable used to reference the
elements of the transactionHistory collection in
Customer. It would also have a query parameter of
type Date. We would specify the following import
"import com.mediamania.store.Transaction; import java.util.Date");
The declareImports( ) method adds the names of the
imported class or interface types into the type namespace. It is
valid to specify the same import multiple times. When a query is
compiled, an error occurs if you have more than one
type-import-on-demand declaration and the same type name (excluding
the package name) is imported from more than one package. In this
case, the specific type to which a type name refers would be
ambiguous. This error is reported when you call compile(
) or execute( ).
9.4.2 Field, Parameter, and Variable Names
The other query namespace contains the names of fields, parameters,
and variables. The names of the fields in the candidate class are
automatically placed in this namespace. The
) method introduces the parameter names, and the
) method introduces the variable names. The parameter and
variable names must be unique, so their use is not ambiguous in the
query filter.
The this keyword can be used in the query filter
to denote the current candidate instance being evaluated. This
reference can be used as an operand of the expressions in the query
filter. It is possible to have a parameter or variable name with the
same name as a field in the candidate class. In this case, the
candidate class field is hidden. You can use this
to access any fields of the candidate class that may be hidden by a
parameter or variable of the same name. The hidden field is accessed
by using the this qualifier:
this.fieldName. However, we recommend that you use
parameter and variable names that are unique and distinct from the
field names. Your queries will be shorter and easier for others to
9.4.3 Keywords
JDOQL defines keywords in the following categories:
Primitive type names: boolean,
byte, short,
int, long,
char, float,
double Boolean literals: true, false Expressions: null, this Import declarations: import Ordering specification: ascending,
You cannot use these keywords as field names, though most of them are
Java keywords anyway. The exceptions are ascending
and descending; you will not be able to use fields
with these names in a query.
9.4.4 Literals
Expressions in a query filter can include literals of the following
int, long
(42, -7,
2048L, 4096l) float, double
(3.14, 3.14f,
3.14F, 0.6180339887d,
1.6180339887D) boolean (true,
false) char ('J') String ("JDO is great!") null
The syntax used for these literals is identical to their syntax in
Java, as described in the Java Language Specification.