We would like to thank our technical reviewers, who provided very
valuable input. They include S. Rajesh Babu (ObjectFrontier), Michael
Bouschen (Tech@Spree), Ron Hitchens (Ronsoft Technologies), Dennis
Leinbaugh, Patrick Linskey (SolarMetric), Marc
Prud'hommeaux (SolarMetric), Eric Samson (LIBeLIS),
David Tinker (Hemisphere Technologies), Mike Warren (Chemical
Abstract Service), and Abe White (SolarMetric). We also appreciate
the valuable feedback from Linda DeMichiel, Sun
Microsystem's EJB specification lead. The feedback
and suggestions from these technical reviewers was invaluable.
We especially acknowledge the support and guidance of our editor,
Michael Loukides. We would also like to thank some of the other staff
at O'Reilly, including David Futato, Robert Romano,
Brian Sawyer, and Mike Sierra.