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5.1 A Quick Decision Tree

So you're having a problem with your Kerberos installation. The first step to solving this problem, like debugging any other issue, is to narrow down the root cause. We'll determine if the problem falls into three distinct categories, and continue our analysis from there.

An easy way to categorize an error involving Kerberos authentication is through what tickets the client can acquire for a service. Let's look at the three top-level categories:

  • Client can't get an initial Ticket Granting Ticket. This is most likely a client-specific problem, especially if logging in with the user principal and password works on other clients. Of course, it could also mean that the password entered for the user principal is incorrect.

    The most likely culprits include time-synchronization problems and issues reaching the Kerberos server due to misconfiguration of the client. It is also possible that the client does not share a compatible encryption type for the users' secret key with the KDC. This can happen, for example, when attempting to interoperate between a Unix client and a Windows domain controller. By default, Windows domain controllers create user entries with an RC4-HMAC encryption type, which most Unix Kerberos implementations do not understand. Newer versions of Heimdal and MIT Kerberos 5 will support this encryption type.

  • Client has valid TGT but gets error before a service ticket is acquired. Once again, this is most likely a problem with the client. The usual suspects in this scenario include Kerberos misconfiguration on the client, which we'll cover in a subsequent section.

    Another possibility is that the service principal that the client requested simply does not exist. Examining the KDC log files is a good way to determine if the client is reaching the KDC, and if so, if it is attempting to acquire tickets for a principal that does not exist, or is in a different realm.

  • Client has valid TGT and service ticket, but reports error on connection to Kerberized service. There is most likely a problem with the server. At this point, the client has received a ticket for the service and presented it to the service for authentication. The most common cause for a failure at this point is a mismatch in the encryption types or key version numbers for the Kerberos service between the service's keytab and the KDC. The KDC may have issued a ticket with an encryption type that the service did not understand, or perhaps the service's keytab contains an incorrect encryption key. The service may not be able to read its keytab at all; ensure that the service's keytab is readable by the user the service runs as, and that the appropriate configuration is in place to point the service to the location of the keytab.

    Another possibility is that the server's DNS or Kerberos configuration file is not configured correctly. Make sure that the target server's hostname can be correctly resolved by using diagnostic tools such as ping and nslookup.

General root causes that should be investigated include time synchronization and correct hostname and DNS settings on all machines.

Finally—this may seem obvious—it is easy to overlook the final step: recording the error and the solution that was used to solve the problem. All too often, especially with some of the more esoteric errors that Kerberos can produce, administrators experience an error one day, solve the problem, then experience the same error a week later, and have to track down the root cause again, only to find that the solution is vaguely familiar.

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