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C.5 Chapter 6

C.5.1 Exercise 1:

var_dump($_POST) prints:

array(4) {
  string(14) "barbecued pork"
  array(2) {
    string(4) "puff"
    string(8) "ricemeat"
  string(1) "4"
  string(5) "Order"

C.5.2 Exercise 2:

function process_form( ) {
    print "<ul>";
    foreach ($_POST as $element => $value) {
        print "<li> \$_POST[$element] = $value</li>";
    print "</ul>";

C.5.3 Exercise 3:

$ops = array('+','-','*','/');
if ($_POST['_submit_check']) {
    // If validate_form( ) returns errors, pass them to show_form( )
    if ($form_errors = validate_form( )) {
    } else {
        // The submitted data is valid, so process it
        process_form( );
} else {
    // The form wasn't submitted, so display
    show_form( );
function show_form($errors = '') {
    if ($errors) {
        print 'You need to correct the following errors: <ul><li>';
        print implode('</li><li>',$errors);
        print '</li></ul>';
    // the beginning of the form
    print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';
    // the first operand
    print '<input type="text" name="operand_1" size="5" value="';
    print htmlspecialchars($_POST['operand_1']) .'"/>';
    // the operator
    print '<select name="operator">';
    foreach ($GLOBALS['ops'] as $op) {
        print '<option';
        if ($_POST['operator'] =  = $op) { print ' selected="selected"'; }
        print "> $op</option>";
    print '</select>';
    // the second operand
    print '<input type="text" name="operand_2" size="5" value="';
    print htmlspecialchars($_POST['operand_2']) .'"/>';
    // the submit button
    print '<br/><input type="submit" value="Calculate"/>';
    // the hidden _submit_check variable
    print '<input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"/>';
    // the end of the form
    print '</form>';
function validate_form( ) {
    $errors = array( );
    // operand 1 must be numeric
    if (! strlen($_POST['operand_1'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a number for the first operand.';
    } elseif (! strval(floatval($_POST['operand_1'])) == $_POST['operand_1']) {
        $errors[  ] = "The first operand must be numeric.";
    // operand 2 must be numeric
    if (! strlen($_POST['operand_2'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a number for the second operand.';
    } elseif (! strval(floatval($_POST['operand_2'])) == $_POST['operand_2']) {
        $errors[  ] = "The second operand must be numeric.";
    // the operator must be valid
    if (! in_array($_POST['operator'], $GLOBALS['ops'])) {
        $errors[  ] = "Please select a valid operator.";
    return $errors;
function process_form( ) {
    if ('+' =  = $_POST['operator']) {
        $total = $_POST['operand_1'] + $_POST['operand_2'];
    } elseif ('-' =  = $_POST['operator']) {
        $total = $_POST['operand_1'] - $_POST['operand_2'];
    } elseif ('*' =  = $_POST['operator']) {
        $total = $_POST['operand_1'] * $_POST['operand_2'];
    } elseif ('/' =  = $_POST['operator']) {
        $total = $_POST['operand_1'] / $_POST['operand_2'];
    print "$_POST[operand_1] $_POST[operator] $_POST[operand_2] = $total";

C.5.4 Exercise 4:

// load the form element printing helper functions
require 'formhelpers.php';
$us_states = array('AL' => 'Alabama', 'AK' => 'Alaska', 'AZ' => 'Arizona',
                   'AR' => 'Arkansas', 'CA' => 'California', 'CO' => 'Colorado',
                   'CT' => 'Connecticut', 'DE' => 'Delaware', 'FL' => 'Florida',
                   'GA' => 'Georgia', 'HI' => 'Hawaii', 'ID' => 'Idaho',
                   'IL' => 'Illinois', 'IN'=> 'Indiana', 'IA' => 'Iowa', 
                   'KS' => 'Kansas', 'KY' => 'Kentucky', 'LA' => 'Louisiana',
                   'ME' => 'Maine', 'MD' => 'Maryland', 'MA' => 'Massachusetts',
                   'MI' => 'Michigan', 'MN' => 'Minnesota', 'MS' => 'Mississippi',
                   'MO' => 'Missouri', 'MT' => 'Montana', 'NE' => 'Nebraska',
                   'NV' => 'Nevada', 'NH' => 'New Hampshire',
                   'NJ' => 'New Jersey', 'NM' => 'New Mexico',
                   'NY' => 'New York', 'NC' => 'North Carolina',
                   'ND' => 'North Dakota', 'OH' => 'Ohio', 'OK' => 'Oklahoma',
                   'OR' => 'Oregon', 'PA' => 'Pennsylvania',
                   'RI' => 'Rhode Island', 'SC' => 'South Carolina',
                   'SD' => 'South Dakota', 'TN '=> 'Tennessee', 'TX' => 'Texas',
                   'UT' => 'Utah', 'VT' => 'Vermont', 'VA' => 'Virginia',
                   'WA' => 'Washington', 'DC' => 'Washington D.C.',
                   'WV' => 'West Virginia', 'WI' => 'Wisconsin',
                   'WY' => 'Wyoming');
if ($_POST['_submit_check']) {
    // If validate_form( ) returns errors, pass them to show_form( )
    if ($form_errors = validate_form( )) {
    } else {
        // The submitted data is valid, so process it
        process_form( );
} else {
    // The form wasn't submitted, so display
    show_form( );
function show_form($errors = '') {
    if ($errors) {
        print 'You need to correct the following errors: <ul><li>';
        print implode('</li><li>',$errors);
        print '</li></ul>';
    // the beginning of the form
    print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';
    print '<table>';
    // the first address
    print '<tr><th colspan="2">From</th></tr>';
    print '<td>Name:</td><td>';
    input_text('name_1', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Street Address:</td><td>';
    input_text('address_1', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>City, State, Zip:</td><td>';
    input_text('city_1', $_POST);
    print ', ';
    input_select('state_1', $_POST, $GLOBALS['us_states']);
    input_text('zip_1', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    // the second address
    print '<tr><th colspan="2">To</th></tr>';
    print '<td>Name:</td><td>';
    input_text('name_2', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Street Address:</td><td>';
    input_text('address_2', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>City, State, Zip:</td><td>';
    input_text('city_2', $_POST);
    print ', ';
    input_select('state_2', $_POST, $GLOBALS['us_states']);
    input_text('zip_2', $_POST);
    print '</td></tr>';
    // Package Info
    print '<tr><th colspan="2">Package</th></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Height:</td><td>';
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Width:</td><td>';
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Length:</td><td>';
    print '</td></tr>';
    print '<tr><td>Weight:</td><td>';
    print '</td></tr>';
    // form end
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Ship Package"></td></tr>';
    print '</table>';
    print '<input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"/>';
    print '</form>';
function validate_form( ) {
    $errors = array( );
    // first address:
    // name, street address, city are all required
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['name_1']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a From name';
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['address_1']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a From street address';
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['city_1']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a From city';
    // state must be valid
    if (! array_key_exists($_POST['state_1'], $GLOBALS['us_states'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Select a valid From state';
    // zip must be 5 digits or ZIP+4
    if (!preg_match('/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/', $_POST['zip_1'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a valid From Zip code';
    // second address:
    // name, street address, city are all required
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['name_2']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a To name';
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['address_2']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a To street address';
    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['city_2']))) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a To city';
    // state must be valid
    if (! array_key_exists($_POST['state_2'], $GLOBALS['us_states'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Select a valid To state';
    // zip must be 5 digits or ZIP+4
    if (!preg_match('/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/', $_POST['zip_2'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a valid To Zip code';
    // package:
    // each dimension must be <= 36
    if (! strlen($_POST['height'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a height.';
    if ($_POST['height'] > 36) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Height must be no more than 36 inches.';
    if (! strlen($_POST['length'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a length.';
    if ($_POST['length'] > 36) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Length must be no more than 36 inches.';
    if (! strlen($_POST['width'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a width.';
    if ($_POST['width'] > 36) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Width must be no more than 36 inches.';
    // Weight must be <= 150
    if (! strlen($_POST['weight'])) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Enter a weight.';
    if ($_POST['weight'] > 150) {
        $errors[  ] = 'Weight must be no more than 150 pounds.';
    return $errors;
function process_form( ) {
    print 'The package is going from: <br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['name_1']) . '<br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['address_1']) . '<br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['city_1']) .', '. $_POST['state_1'] . ' ' . 
$_POST['zip_1'] . '<br/>';
    print 'The package is going to: <br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['name_2']) . '<br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['address_2']) . '<br/>';
    print htmlentities($_POST['city_2']) .', '. $_POST['state_2'] . ' ' . 
$_POST['zip_2'] . '<br/>';
    print 'The package is ' . htmlentities($_POST['length']) . ' x' . 
        htmlentities($_POST['width']) . ' x ' . htmlentities($_POST['height']);
    print ' and weighs ' . htmlentities($_POST['weight']) . ' lbs.';

C.5.5 Exercise 5:

The print_array( ) function iterates through the array it is passed, printing out each key and value. If one of those values is an array, then print_array( ) calls itself, passing in the subarray to be printed. A function like print_array( ) that invokes itself is called a recursive function. The process_form( ) function calls print_array( ) and tells it to print the contents of $_POST.

function print_array($ar, $prefix) {
    // iterate through the array
    foreach ($ar as $key => $value) {
        // if the value of this element is an array, then 
        // call print_array( ) again to iterate over that sub-array
        // and tack the key name onto the prefix
        if (is_array($value)) {
            print_array($value, $prefix . "['" . $key . "']");
        } else {
            // if the value is not an array, then print it out
            // with any prefix
            print $prefix;
            print "['" . htmlentities($key) . "'] = ";
            print htmlentities($value) . '<br/>';
function process_form( ) {
    print_array($_POST, '$_POST');

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