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8.8 Exercises

  1. Make a web page that uses a cookie to keep track of how many times a user has viewed the page. The first time a particular user looks at the page, it should print something like "Number of views: 1." The second time the user looks at the page, it should print "Number of views: 2," and so on.

  2. Modify the web page from the first exercise so that it prints out a special message on the 5th, 10th, and 15th time the user looks at the page. Also modify it so that on the 20th time the user looks at the page, it deletes the cookie and the page count starts over.

  3. Write a PHP program that displays a form for a user to pick their favorite color from a list of colors. Make another page whose background color is set to the color that the user picks in the form. Store the color value in $_SESSION so that both pages can access it.

  4. Write a PHP program that displays an order form. The order form should list six products. Next to each product name there should be a text box into which a user can type in how many of that product they want to order. When the form is submitted, the submitted form data should be saved into the session. Make another page that displays the contents of the saved order, a link back to the order form page, and a Check Out button. If the link back to the order form page is clicked, the order form page should be displayed with the saved order quantities from the session in the text boxes. When the Check Out button is clicked, the order should be cleared from the session.

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