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10.4 Working with CSV FilesOne type of text file gets special treatment in PHP: the CSV file. It can't handle graphs or charts, but excels for sharing tables of data among different programs. To read a line of a CSV file, use fgetcsv( ) instead of fgets( ). It reads a line from the CSV file and returns an array containing each field in the line. Example 10-10 is a CSV file of information about restaurant dishes. Example 10-11 uses fgetcsv( ) to read the file and insert the information in it into the dishes database table from Chapter 7. Example 10-10. dishes.csv for Example 10-11"Fish Ball with Vegetables",4.25,0 "Spicy Salt Baked Prawns",5.50,1 "Steamed Rock Cod",11.95,0 "Sauteed String Beans",3.15,1 "Confucius ""Chicken""",4.75,0 Example 10-11. Inserting CSV data into a database tablerequire 'DB.php'; // Connect to the database $db = DB::connect('mysql://hunter:w)mp3s@db.example.com/restaurant'); // Open the CSV file $fh = fopen('dishes.csv','rb'); for ($info = fgetcsv($fh, 1024); ! feof($fh); $info = fgetcsv($fh, 1024)) { // $info[0] is the dish name (the first field in a line of dishes.csv) // $info[1] is the price (the second field) // $info[2] is the spicy status (the third field) // Insert a row into the database table $db->query("INSERT INTO dishes (dish_name, price, is_spicy) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $info); print "Inserted $info[0]\n"; } // Close the file fclose($fh); Example 10-11 prints: Inserted Fish Ball with Vegetables Inserted Spicy Salt Baked Prawns Inserted Steamed Rock Cod Inserted Sauteed String Beans Inserted Confucius "Chicken" The second argument to fgetcsv( ) is a line length. This value needs to be longer than the length of the longest line in the CSV file. Example 10-11 uses 1024, which is plenty longer than any of the lines in Example 10-10. If you might have lines longer than 1K in a CSV file, pick a bigger length, such as 1048576 (1 MB). Writing a CSV-formatted line is trickier than reading one. There's no built-in function for it, so you've got to format the line yourself. Example 10-12 contains a make_csv_line( ) function that accepts an array of values as an argument and returns a CSV-formatted string containing those values. Example 10-12. Making a CSV-formatted stringfunction make_csv_line($values) { // If a value contains a comma, a quote, a space, a // tab (\t), a newline (\n), or a linefeed (\r), // then surround it with quotes and replace any quotes inside // it with two quotes foreach($values as $i => $value) { if ((strpos($value, ',') != = false) || (strpos($value, '"') != = false) || (strpos($value, ' ') != = false) || (strpos($value, "\t") != = false) || (strpos($value, "\n") != = false) || (strpos($value, "\r") != = false)) { $values[$i] = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $value) . '"'; } } // Join together each value with a comma and tack on a newline return implode(',', $values) . "\n"; } Example 10-13 uses the make_csv_line( ) function from Example 10-12 along with fopen( ) and fwrite( ) to retrieve information from a database table and write it to a CSV file. Example 10-13. Writing CSV-formatted data to a filerequire 'DB.php'; // Connect to the database $db = DB::connect('mysql://hunter:w)mp3s@db.example.com/restaurant'); // Open the CSV file for writing $fh = fopen('dishes.csv','wb'); $dishes = $db->query('SELECT dish_name, price, is_spicy FROM dishes'); while ($row = $dishes->fetchRow( )) { // Turn the array from fetchRow( ) into a CSV-formatted string $line = make_csv_line($row); // Write the string to the file. No need to add a newline on // the end since make_csv_line( ) does that already fwrite($fh, $line); } fclose($fh); To send a page that consists only of CSV-formatted data back to a web client, you have to take an extra step beyond just printing the data. You also have to use PHP's header( ) function to tell the web client to expect a CSV document instead of an HTML document. Example 10-14 shows how to call the header( ) function with the appropriate arguments. Example 10-14. Changing the page type to CSV// Tell the web client to expect a CSV file header('Content-Type: text/csv'); // Tell the web client to view the CSV file in a seprate program header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="dishes.csv"'); Example 10-15 contains a complete program that sends the correct CSV header, retrieves rows from a database table, and prints them. Its output can be loaded directly into a spreadsheet from a user's web browser. Example 10-15. Sending a CSV file to the browserrequire 'DB.php'; // Connect to the database $db = DB::connect('mysql://hunter:w)mp3s@db.example.com/restaurant'); // Tell the web client that a CSV file called "dishes.csv" is coming header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="dishes.csv"'); // Retrieve the info from the database table and print it $dishes = $db->query('SELECT dish_name, price, is_spicy FROM dishes'); while ($row = $dishes->fetchRow( )) { print make_csv_line($row); } To generate more complicated spreadsheets that include formulas, formatting, and images, use the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer PEAR package. You can download it from http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer. |
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