13.1 Starting with h2xs
A distribution contains the module (or
collection of related modules), plus all the support files required
to document, test, ship, and install the module. While you could
potentially construct all these files by hand, it's
much simpler to use a tool that comes with Perl, awkwardly called
h2xs tool creates a series of template files that
serve as a starting point for the distribution files. You simply need
to say h2xs -XAn, followed by the name of the
module—in this case,
Island::Plotting::Maps. Here's what the output
looks like:
$ h2xs -XAn Island::Plotting::Maps
Defaulting to backwards compatibility with perl 5.8.0
If you intend this module to be compatible with earlier perl versions, please
specify a minimum perl version with the -b option.
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/Maps.pm
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/Makefile.PL
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/README
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/t/1.t
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/Changes
Writing Island/Plotting/Maps/MANIFEST