Exception objects and lists.
Here's the way we extended this module for an
exception of our own (here a string, at first):
MyError = 'hello'
def oops( ):
raise MyError, 'world'
def doomed( ):
oops( )
except IndexError:
print 'caught an index error!'
except MyError, data:
print 'caught error:', MyError, data
print 'no error caught...'
if __name__ == '__main__':
doomed( )
% python oops.py
caught error: hello world
To identify the exception with a class, we just changed the first
part of the file to this, and saved it as
class MyError: pass
def oops( ):
raise MyError( )
...rest unchanged...
Like all class exceptions, the instance comes back as the extra data;
our error message now shows both the class, and its instance
% python oop_oops.py
caught error: __main__.MyError <__main__.MyError instance at 0x00867550>
Remember, to make this look nicer, you can define a __repr__ or __str__ method in your class to
return a custom print string. See Chapter 21 for