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B.7 Part VII, Exceptions and Tools

See Section 26.6 for the exercises.

  1. try/except. Our version of the oops function (file follows. As for the noncoding questions, changing oops to raise KeyError instead of IndexError means that the exception won't be caught by the try handler (it "percolates" to the top level and triggers Python's default error message). The names KeyError and IndexError come from the outermost built-in names scope. Import __builtin__ and pass it as an argument to the dir function to see for yourself.

    def oops(  ):
        raise IndexError
    def doomed(  ):
            oops(  )
        except IndexError:
            print 'caught an index error!'
            print 'no error caught...'
    if __name__ == '__main__': doomed(  )
    % python
    caught an index error!
  2. Exception objects and lists. Here's the way we extended this module for an exception of our own (here a string, at first):

    MyError = 'hello'
    def oops(  ):
        raise MyError, 'world'
    def doomed(  ):
            oops(  )
        except IndexError:
            print 'caught an index error!'
        except MyError, data:
            print 'caught error:', MyError, data
            print 'no error caught...'
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        doomed(  )
    % python
    caught error: hello world

    To identify the exception with a class, we just changed the first part of the file to this, and saved it as

    class MyError: pass
    def oops(  ):
        raise MyError(  ) unchanged...

    Like all class exceptions, the instance comes back as the extra data; our error message now shows both the class, and its instance (<...>).

    % python
    caught error: __main__.MyError <__main__.MyError instance at 0x00867550>

    Remember, to make this look nicer, you can define a __repr__ or __str__ method in your class to return a custom print string. See Chapter 21 for details.

  3. Error handling. Here's one way to solve this one (file We did our tests in a file, rather than interactively, but the results are about the same.

    import sys, traceback
    def safe(entry, *args):
            apply(entry, args)                 # catch everything else
            traceback.print_exc(  )
            print 'Got', sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
    import oops
    % python
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "", line 5, in safe
        apply(entry, args)                     # catch everything else
      File "", line 4, in oops
        raise MyError, 'world'
    hello: world
    Got hello world
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