26.6 Part VII Exercises
Since we're at the end of the core language
coverage, we'll work on a few short exception
exercises to give you a chance to practice the basics. Exceptions
really are a simple tool, so if you get these,
you've got exceptions mastered.
See Section B.7 for
the solutions.
try/except. Write a function called
oops that explicitly raises an
IndexError exception when called. Then write
another function that calls oops inside a
try/except statement to catch
the error. What happens if you change oops to
raise KeyError instead of
IndexError? Where do the names
KeyError and IndexError come
from? (Hint: recall that all unqualified names come from one of four
scopes, by the LEGB rule.) Exception objects and lists. Change the
oops function you just wrote to raise an exception
you define yourself, called MyError, and pass an
extra data item along with the exception. You may identify your
exception with either a string or a class. Then, extend the
try statement in the catcher function to catch
this exception and its data in addition to
IndexError, and print the extra data item.
Finally, if you used a string for your exception, go back and change
it to a class instance; what now comes back as the extra data to the
handler? Error handling. Write a function called
safe(func,*args) that runs any function using
apply, catches any exception raised while the
function runs, and prints the exception using the
exc_type and exc_value
attributes in the sys module. Then, use your
safe function to run the oops
function you wrote in exercises 1 and/or 2. Put
safe in a module file called
tools.py, and pass it the
oops function interactively. What sort of error
messages do you get? Finally, expand safe to also
print a Python stack trace when an error occurs by calling the
built-in print_exc( ) function in the standard
traceback module (see the Python library reference
manual for details).